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P. 747

deservedly won. I repeat you: soon we will see each other, during the Final Battle, even though
               we won’t see us again in this life.
                      We were at the door. I had gone out and I was sustaining the useless motorcycle, while I
               heard Tarstein saying almost the same words of the Gurkha Bangi. I’d have wanted to cry of
               impotence before such absurd: all died or left. Just Me, mute witness of a terrible and secret
               reality, I had to stay in Hell. And without knowing why.
                      –Heil Hitler! –I screamed for every salute, meanwhile the door of the Gregorstrasse 239
               was being closed behind me forever.
                      I  started  the  motorcycle  and,  eluding  the  debris,  I  turned  around  the  block.  Before
               completing the third block someone shot me from a terrace. The bullet sectioned cleanly the
               fork  and  the  front  wheel  crossed  suddenly;  I  tightened  the  brakes  and  I  flew  many  meters
               ahead. Without stop rolling I occulted myself behind the incinerated chassis of a car, chased by
               a  rain  of  bullets.  «I  had  forgotten  that  I  was  wearing  the  Russian  uniform  and  I  was
               perambulating by a solitary street of Berlin without any protection». I released many oaths and
               I ran to the corner, against the walls. I was in the Gregorstrasse again. I’d be already far from
               there if I would havew not proposed to take a last sight at the house of Tarstein. I advanced the
               meters that separated me from it looking at both corners, alternatively. It was an obscure night
               but not silent; that 30 of April I would dawn accompanied by the most tough combatants and
               the noise of the bullets, howitzers and bombs was deafening.
                      Soon I verified gaunt that the warning of Tarstein was not vain. Indeed, the 239 not
               existed now in the Gergorstrasse. But the site whence I left was there; the recent marks of the
               tires of the motorcycle evidenced it in the sidewalk and the street. But the door 239, in front of
               these marks, was not there anymore. In its place was the closed door of a shop in a very good
               condition.  I  removed  the  hand  from  the  dust  layer  that  covered  the  plaque  and  I  read:
               «Buchhandlung Hyperborea». I felt steps approaching to me; perhaps the  snipers that had
               fired  me  minutes  before.  There  was  nothing  else  to  do,  so  I  started  to  run  in  the  opposite
                      I repeat to you  that the time is short,  neffe, so I’ll leave for another opportunity the
               narration of the lived adventures until arriving to Italy. I’ll only mention that on June of 1945 I
               met with Karl von Grossen and Oskar Feil in the Franciscan Monastery ofg the South of Italy
               and I stayed there till February of 1947. On that date our contact with The Spider presented us
               an officer of the Argentinian Army called Zapalla, who provided us passports and tickets and, of
               course, new identities: I passed to be named Cerino Sanguedolce, as you already know; Oskar
               became Domingo Pietratesta; and Karl von Grossen, Carlo de Grandi. The three of us would
               feign to be Italian immigrants, thence the linguistic filiation of the names.
                      Once  in  this  country,  all  happened  as  Tarstein  predicted:  they  gave  us  the  money  in
               Buenos Aires, and each one of us went to live to a different Province. Karl stayed in Buenos
               Aires and, as Tarstein said, he would not delay to organize a Secret Service in company of other
               old Comrade of the Gestapo, the      Standartenführer Justiniano von Grosman. Oskar Feil
               chose Córdoba, and it seems that the Gods had guided him because years later he found there
               the Order of Tyrodal Knights, which oriented his last days; and I, knowing that the Siegnagel’s
               resided in Salta, I decided that «Santa María de la Candelaria» was a good title for the Virgin of
               Agartha, and I acquired this property where I live since then.

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