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P. 744

find  another  different  house,  perhaps  bombed.  If  you  were  able  to  arrive  here  is  because  I
               expected you, but when you Presence be not necessary for the Strategy you’ll never coincide
               with  me  and  this  house:  such  is  the  power  of  the  absolute  location  that  the  beings
               consecrated  to  the  Hyperoborean  Strategy  possess;  only  coincide  in  the  space  and
               time the beings whose coincidence is strategically significant; and that is the reality
               of the beings that exist; and the other created beings, even though they are related
               each other in the space and time, if they are not strategically significant, they don’t
               exist for the Spirit, they are Maya, Illusion. You as an Initiate should know it. Have you
               forgotten that this is the War between the Spirit and the Potencies of the Matter?
                      But  I  didn’t  attend  reasons.  Of  course  I  understood  that  a  Hyperborean  Pontiff  as
               Tarstein had the power to situate himself in other dimensions of the illusory reality of Maya,
               including the house of the Thulegesellchaft, and that I’d never find him if didn’t want it to
               occur. But I insisted one more time.
                      –And if I employ the dogs daivas? And if I trace you through the dimensions and get near
               to you, even if it is not in the Gregorstrasse 239?
                      Tarstein started to laugh.
                      –You’re really obstinate, Kurt. If you employ the dogs daivas you will undoubtedly find
               me.  Likewise,  if  you  make  them  fly  to  the  Führer’s  Refugee,  they  will  take  you  there  with
               security. But I do not want to exaggerate how any of us will take a similar attitude by your part.
               Accept it once and for all! You’re a soldier and you will continue being it onwards, no one will
               dismiss you from the    ! And as a soldier you must obey orders, orders that I’ll transmit you
               now  and  that  you  will  comply  scrupulously!  Orders  that  if  you  not  fulfil  will  be  causal  of
               summary or Court of Honor! If you appear by my side, or go to the Führer’s Refugee, you’d
               make yourself liable of summary execution, but, what is worst than the death for an Initiate,

               you would be expelled from the Black Order        .
                      I know that is hard what I am saying, but you must accept it and behave as a soldier, as a
               Wise Warrior. Before, you complained that the Third Reich didn’t instruct you to live under the
               Universal Synarchy. It is true. But if we have clarified you in something is in the difference
               between the Heart and the Egoic Mind, i.e., between the reason of the Heart and the reason of
               the Self; between the emotions or feelings of the Heart and the pure ideas of the Spiritual Self.
               And in the noological Ethics of the Hyperborean Wisdom we’ve demonstrated you the spiritual
               superiority of the Self from above the Heart, we have taught you how to dominate the Heart
               with the Self, we despoil you from feeelings and we forged you a new Heart of Steel.
                      We put you a Stone in your Heart, Kurt! And in turn of the reason of the Heart, which is
               weak and lovely, we made you accede to the Absolute Honor of the Spirit, fundament of the
               Camaraderie. I remind  you these ethic-noological principles  because, and forgive me for the
               honesty, your attitude result pusillanimous to me, product of a miserable affective connection,
               of a fear to prescind from the illusory relations of the between Hyperborean Initiates, of a lack
               of faith in yourself. The truth, the harsh truth, is that we are not friends and we will never
               be; we are, Comrades, followers of the mystical ideals of Führer’s Strategy. And if we
               are not friends, and the strategic orders demand that we don’t see each other again in
               this life. Can you tell me by which spiritual motive would you want to meet with me
               out of the Kairos?

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