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P. 740

Germany where he deposed Henry and replaced him by the little boy Conrad IV.
                      On  the  next  years  he  constructed  the  Castle  of  the  King  of  the  World  by  the
               Hyperborean Initiates and buried the Stone that you have localized now Lupus.
                      But have present that Frederick II was also a Tulku, something that everyone accepted in
               his time because the people never surrender at his death and awaited «his return» for centuries.
                      And where did the Ghibellines believe that the Emperor had travelled? Well nothing less
               than the Kingdom of Preste Juan, i.e., the Kingdom of Genghis Khan, the Great Emperor of
               Catay, K’Taagar or Agartha: the mytical Kingdom of Kattigara, which was situated «in China».
                      In the Age of Frederick II, the Great Khan was also the Great «Dog», that’s to say, the
               Lord of the Dog, the Guardian of Heaven, the King of the Universal Empire «of the East», just
               as  I  mentioned  many  years  ago,  with  the  motive  of  the  flight  of  Rudolph  Hess  to  England.
               When  Frederick  II  «left»,  after  1250,  and  especially  during  the  Interregnum,  hundreds  of
               troubadours and minstrels sang couplets in which was narrated the journey of the Emperor to
               the  Kigndom  of  Preste  Juan,  and  tears  and  laments  poured  because  both  Kings  didn’t
               «encounter»  each  other  at  last,  fact  that  would  bring  consequently  the  New  Order  of  the
               Universal Empire: «nevertheless, on the trovas was assured that, some day Frederick II, holding
               his  Stone  of  Venus,  lapist  exilis,  would  reunite  with  Genghis  Khan  to  found  the  Universal
                      To  end,  I  want to  remind  you  that  the  mented  alliance  between  the  Roman-German
               Empire  and  the  Mongol  Empire  was  an  open  secret  in  the  XIII  century,  although  later  the
               synarchic obscurantism occulted the truth of the facts. But it is enough to refer to the proofs to
               know that truth: once Genghis Khan’s demise was known in Occident, and the position of his
               successor,  Oegodeï,  it  was  not  thought  in  anything  else  than  to  gestate  another  alliance,
               favourable for the synarchic plans this time. Behind this was, of course, the White Fraternity.
               In 1245 the Pope Innocent IV, who had taken shelter in Lyon, the City of the Druids, fleeing
               from Frederick II, proclaimed a General Council in order to excommunicate and despoil him of
               the imperial investiture: it was the famous Council of Lyon, a sort of «Congress of Basel» of the
               period,  that’s  to  say,  similar  to  one  that  the  Rabbis  sustained  in  1897  and  that  the  «The
               Protocols of the Elders of Zion», in which was discussed the faster way to end with the House of
               Swabia  and  implant  the  Universal  Synarchy.  Well,  no  one  associate  the  fact  that  in  such
               Council,  convened  exclusively  to  treat  the  matter  of  Frederick  II,  the  Pope  Innocent  IV
               proposed to send an embassy to the Mongol Emperor: of the Council of Lyon would emanate
               the directives followed by the Franciscan monk Jean de Plan Carpin and the friars Benedict of
               Poland and Stephen of Hungary, who in 1246 would arrive to Mongolia after crossing Russia. If
               the synarhic counter-alliance was not fulfilled then was because Oegodeï had died and Guyuk,
               his successor, did not convince the letter of the Pope at all, which his grand-father Genghis
               Khan advised it.
                      Later  the  Holy  See  would  send  Friar  Ascelin  with  identical  mission  to  convince  the
               Mongols about the  goodness of the  Synarchy and the  own  St. Louis would send Knights to
               Mongolia, but only to request help against the Arabs: they were representatives of St. Louis,
               amongst others, André de Longjumeau and the friar Guillaume of Rubrouck. They left in 1253
               and arrived to Karakorum by the Route of the Black Sea, but they also failed because in that
               moment Mongka Khan was reigning, about whom Sartac, great-grandson of Genghis Khan and
               Nestorian Christian, had advised against the Pope of Rome.

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