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last, the ally that the Siddhas mentioned?
Seeing the West obscured by the darkness of the Kâly Yuga Genghis Khan decided to
send three ambassador messengers, to Innocent III, to Philip August, and Frederick II, with the
mission to initiate diplomatic relations and who were instructed to realize discrete quests
destined to fulfil an alliance between the East and the West. He did it to gain time, while other
envoys travelled to the «center of minor intensity» to search for the yearned answers.
By 1220, Genghis Khan already knew that the pact should be celebrated with the
German Kingdom. But such pact would not be political but spiritual and would be celebrated in
many worlds at the same time, it required greater certainties than the mere human conviction:
in 1221 the wise Taoist Chiu Chuchi returned, after two years, from the expedition of «the
center of minor intensity». In the Mongol campsite, at the shores of the Golden River, the wise
narrated to Genghis Khan his incredible adventure: he had been authorized by the Siddhas to
visit the Kingdom of Agartha; guided by some mysterious Mongol Initiates they interned
themselves hundreds of kilometres in the Gobi Desert up to a zone completely isolated and
wasted where it seemed impossible the existence any vestige of vegetal or animal life; in such
site, apparently in the midst of the desert, the monks decided to camp and, even if it seemed a
suicide, the Chinese wiseman didn’t dare to contradict them; they stayed many days there, he
lost the count of the total, until one night in which he was deeply asleep, trying to recover the
forces that during the day the burning sun snatched him without mercy, he was abruptly
awakened; without going out from the astonishment he was invited by the monks, who were
accompanied by some terrible warriors of unknown provenance, to join them in the desert
towards a determined direction; but they didn’t perambulate too much due to very near from
the campsite, in a place that on those days had observed many times a and in which there
could be nothing else than sand, was clearly distinguished a whitish light that sprouted
from the ground; was a clear night, with a moon that spilled torrents of silver light over the
sinuous surface of the desert; however, and the wiseman of Shantung repeated this many
times, at a few steps of distance the light that sprouted from the ground was a hundred
times intenser than the moon, to the point that its blinding blaze avoided to distinguish
what or whom produced it; hesitating he stopped in front of the light and just seconds later,
when his eyes were accustomed, he could verify that a perfect rectangular contour was cut
against the floor, where a heavy faience of stone had been moved; the light came from such
aperture that guided directly to a descendant stair which echelons were lost rapidly from the
sight in the depths of the Earth.
Notwithstanding it he accepted the fantastic history of Genghis Khan because the
Wiseman Chiu Chuchi deserved his total trust and, mainly, because his mission had been
successful: he brought with him a message of the Siddhas and a deweller of Agartha
accompanied him, to interpret such message before the Khan of the Mongols. According to
Chiu Chuchi, after descending to the incredible depths by such trap of the desert, they arrived
to a horizontal tunnel perfectly illuminated, and there they took «a train that travelled swiftly
without wheels neither horses», which guided them in few minutes to the «City of Wotang, The
Lord of the War», where «even though being underground it is possible to see the sky and the
stars». In Agartha «the Lord of the War in person» received Chiu Chuchi to whom, he said, «I
was waiting to give you the magical formula that gives power over the peoples». Such
formula, explained Wo-Tang, was already known by Genghis Khan since the days of his