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anticipate you that those who chose to live in the first reality; will be considered traitors, no
matter how «National Socialist» or «Nazis» they proclaim to be.
With brilliant eyes, Konrad Tarstein stopped for a second to serve more tea.
–Rudolph Hess…?
–Yes, Rudolph Hess is also a Tulku and for this reason now he is with the Führer, in the
Secret Refugee: just as you know him; he has not changed at all. And because he is a Tulku, he
can be with the Führer and, also, be prisoner of the English.
But let’s forget the Tulkus for the moment and retake the Stone of Genghis Kahn. I said
you before that it’s worthy to know the History with all its details. You have found it and you
deserve better than anyone to know that history, although this is not the bet occasion to relate
it. Anywise I will resume it to you; pay attention:
In Mongolia, in the Gobi Desert, there’s a place that the Hyperborean Wisdom
denominates «The Door Tar», which communicates directly with the Kingdom of Agartha. In
the Age of Genghis Khan and Frederick II, the Loyal Siddhas had approved a plan of the
Hyperborean Initiates, known as Strategy Tyr, destined to found the Universal Empire on the
Earth: the Chosen One for that in Orient was the Prince Temujin, who received the jewel of the
Hyperborean Initiation by some Siddhas coming from the Door Tar. Remember that the Father
of Temujin, Yesügei, had died poisoned by the Tatars when the young Prince was only 9 years
old and that, since then until his adulthood, he lived miserably with his mother and brothers in
the deserted lands of the High Onon. As all the Great Chosen Ones of the History, is during
that period that the Siddhas instruct and Initiate him.
According to the local tradition the Great Ancestors of the Mongols were the Grey Wolf
and the Tawny Roe, what means that his Ancestors were not human, or what is the same, they
were Gods. In the sacred cavern of Erkene Qon, the Grey Wolf married with the Tawny Roe,
who proceeded from the environs of the lake Baikal. Then, the original couple moved to the
sacred mountain Burgan Qaldun, the actual Kentei, ancient abode of Kôk Kev, God of the
If their great Ancestors were Gods, their closer relatives had not been less powerful: his
grandfather was Kabul Khan, the first organizer of the Mongolian tribes and military
conqueror; and his father, Yeügei had taken the soubriquet of Ba’ atur, it means, «the Brave».
His mother Hö’elun, brought him to the world in «the year of the pig» of 1167, that is 27
more than Frederick II, born in 1194.
His Purity of Blood was so elevated that he became worthy to a representation of the
Sign of the Origin, the highest Hyperborean distinction of the XIII century after the Grail,
which was entrusted to the Occitan Cathars. For this reason when a Diet of Mongol Chiefs and
Kings gathered in 1206 in Karakorum, and elected him «Khan», Temujin exhibited with pride
the sign that had given him the triumph over his enemies and permitted him to fulfil the unity
of his Race: that sign, which he held in his ring and pennant, was the leftwards swastika, the
same that seven hundred years later would be displayed in the glorious feats by another
Hyperborean people, but this time of White Race.
To Genghis Khan was entrusted a historical mission that he knew to fulfil in all its
aspects, so it is not possible to reproach him anything for the failure of the Strategy Tyr. On the
contrary, this failure is because of almost exclusively to the excellent counteroffensive