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P. 746

be declared. Then the Gods will intervene; the spiritual underground currents of the end of the
               Civilization will react before the Judaic Terror in which the Synarchy will be affirmed; and the

               Final Battle will come, during which the Führer and the Eternal    will return.
                      You understand that this simple but super-secret tactic, which constitutes a inevitable
               ambush in which the allies will fall, but, How many will understand it? You’ll see how many
               supposed Nazis, and even ex-members of the      , will sustain that our scientists are traitors.
               But is that they are incapable to comprehend the Strategy of the Führer, and for this reason
               they don’t understand the actions of those who act motivated by strategical objectives. Much
               less to you, if they discover what you are, estimated Lupus.
                      You  must  be  prudent  and  tolerant  with  those  Comrades  that  have  opted  for  the
               reality of the Führer dead. Once you will be ubicated you’ll disconnect from them and will
               never retake the contact. It will be an elemental form to prevent unnecessary risks due to, for
               foes, you have already enough and terrible, with the White Fraternity, the immortals Bera and
               Birsha, and the Druids and Jews who will search you to eliminate you. As I said you, they will
               wait in Italy until they give them the Argentinian passports and the tickets. The Spider will
               deposit you in Banks of Buenos Aires a sum of money that will permit each of you to settle
               down without problems; you must retire those founds immediately to avoid possible trackings
               and investigations. In regard to you, the Siddhas say that you must search location consecrated
               to the Virgin of Agartha, not far from your family. You can meet with your sister, but emplying
               all the forms of coverage of the Manual of the Secret Service: is for the good of both of you;
               think that if the Enemy discovers your sister, they can try to elicit your whereabouts by violent
               means and even pur pressure over you, and if you well covered, but your sister reveals you, they
               can revenge on her before the impossibility to capture you.
                      The same precautions you shall adopt at meeting with Oskar Feil, who must dwells in a
               site far from you residence. You have forbidden any kind of commercial society, even through
               third persons, and intervene in common activities that can relate you  fortituously. You will
               only reunite as Comrades, to share your spiritual ideals. With respect to von Grossen, you must
               say goodbye to him forever in Argentina. Oskar Feil will be able to maintain the contact but it is
               convenient if he moves away, because the old fox won’t stay quiet and will try to outbreak his
               private war against the Synarchy. Possibly he will become in adviser of Intelligence matters and
               Counterspionage, and put himself at the service of pseudofacist regimes, of those that abound
               in Sudamerica. Nothing convenient for you.
                      At  last:  conserve  the  dogs  daivas  but  don’t  utilize  them  except  in  case  of  extreme
               necessity. The same for your Initiatic faculties: stay alert, well trained, but don’t act except in
               extreme case. These are, in synthesis, your orders: wait. Survive, protect yourself and wait!
                      –For all the Gods! –I screamed out of my mind–. Wait for what?
                      –I can’t give you more information –Tarstein responded impassible–.
                      Obey your orders and you’ll know!

                      He gave me a handshake and, as if such salute was not enough, he embraced me.
                      –Farewell,  Kurt  von  Sübermann.  Go  in  peace,  that  your  contribution  has  been

               unvaluable for the cause of the Black Order    . The Third Reich has rewarded you with the
               Iron Cross, but the Order will concede you one day a more valuable distinction, that you have

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