Page 725 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 725
the Emperor Frederick II Hohenstaufen, who governed from 1215 to 1244 and from whom
Belicena Villca speaks extensively on her letter. Our mission was not related directly with the
war, because little was what could be done to revert a situation that was more adverse each day
that passed. On those days, Germany retreated in all the fronts; but in all the fronts, for first
time in the History, the same Jewish enemy could be signalized: Capitalists, Communits,
Zionists, all the allied Nations, no matter what ideology, showed the same Hebrew faces, the
real profile of the Synarchy.
And in middle of colossal debacle, while Germany yielded before forces a thousand times
superior, forces that loomed united under the mask of Jehovah Satan, we didn’t work for
Germany anymore, but to close the Doors of the Demons enemies of Germany, but for the
, for the Future of the . In what consisted our mission in the South of Italy? In
something extraordinary: we had to search the Stone of Genghis Khan.
Yes; it is not about a delirium. Konrad Tarstein disposed of specific and ancient
information that assured that in 1221 Genghis Khan sent Frederick II, to his court in Sicily, a
Stone coming from Agartha, in which was engraved a threefold convenant to establish the
Universal Empire; the three parts would be: Genghis Khan, Emperor of Asia; Frederick II,
Emperor of Occident; and the Loyal Gods of Agartha, by the Underground Forces of the Earth.
Before his demise, in 1244, Frederick constructed such Octogonal Castle and occulted
the Stone forever. Now, Konrad Tarstein explained us that the Castle, in its construction,
occulted the key to localize the Stone, which would not be very far from the square. Effectively,
at 800 metres away, under a smooth slope covered with grass, the dogs daivas tracked a crypt of
stone that contained a coffer of the Queen Constance and the yearned Stone of Genghis Khan,
engraved in Vigur and Germanic characters.
It was not easy to find it, we had to realize deep diggings and trigonometric
measurements with theodolites. The measures were made a posteriori, trying to discover the
key of the construction by strategic opposition that permitted to protect a valuable object,
placing it outside of the walls.
There was no time to complete the measures because from April 5 of 1945 had started
the allied invasion to Italy. We went retreating then, towards the North, but at each step we
realized the magnitude of the disaster. The war was lost for Germany and it would not delay to
end. We decided to separate us. Karl von Grossen and Oskar Feil, under protest, would remain
hidden in a Franciscan Monastery whose prior was sympathizer of Germany and the Arab
cause: both of them had to change the black uniform of the for the dun seraphic cassock.
At their care would remain also the dogs daivas.
While our Comrades remained in the Monastery of Naples, the Tibetan Legion
undertook a journey to Berlin. We were Bangi, Srivirya, fifty commandos and me. After
multiple confrontations with the communist partisans that infested the paths, we achieved to
arrive to Verona, whence started many paths that overpassed the Alps. We took the ones of
Bolzano, which guided us one day later to directly to Berchtesgaden.
On April 25 the commandant of Berchtesgaden received a telegram from Bormann
in which was ordered to stop the Marshal Goering. When we arrived there was no one to attend
us or give information. Then we went to the Obersalzberg, but before arriving, the Destiny,
that tragic Destiny that always followed me, decided to represent its better show: 318