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P. 728
Himmler because this contradicted the previous order that obeyed me to go to Berlin.
The author of the first order was a Chief of the Secret Service who was only
authorized to mention his key name: Unicornis». I begged to communicate this message
textual to the Reichführer and I bade farewell amiably to the General Koller. I not expected
that Koller forgive me for have ridiculed his men, but I had faith in that Himmler would leave
everything as it was, before facing the occult minds of the Third Reich. We released then,
the disconcerted soldiers in the Northern entrance of Munich, reiterating them to transmit as
soon as possible that letter to General Koller.
My calculations were right because Himmler didn’t do anything after receiving the
laconic message. We even crossed with the troops coming from the Russian front to whom
none warning had been made in respect to us.
Well now: it was April 28 and I think that it was the last day in which existed a minimum
possibility to arrive to Berlin by highway. Our route was as to be marching by the edge of the
synarchic Dragon’s Tooth: all were enemy vanguards along the way; first the French vanguards
and Yankee that advanced from the West, and then the Russian vanguards coming drom the
East, that collided with the Yakee columns at the shores of Elba. Munich would fall in hands of
the Frank-Yankee on April 30, it means, two days after we left.
Anyhow, and sustaining periodic struggles against Russians and Yankees, we arrived to
Postdam at dusk. Impossible to cross the Russian lines in two German trucks and with a
legion. Two more hours took us to localize an appropiated Russian campsite to obtain the
indispensable camouflage: some 60 soldiers of the Russian infantry were sleeping in a row of
tents, guiarded by four sentinels. All died by cold steel, most of them beheaded, because no one
wanted to spoil the costume. Nevertheless, no legionary wanted to remove the costume of the
and they had to use Russian clothins on it, many times helping to make it fit with generous
knife’s smites.
Dressed in that manner, we marched more or less open towards the Spree. Following its
shore we encountered with the bridge Veindendammer, which was covered by the children of
the Hitler’s Youth of Arthur Axmann. Ten minutes costed me to convince an
Oberstrumführer of 12 years old that we constituted a legion of the and that he must let
us pass. Finally we crossed and all took the Russian clothes off right there, except for me
because I had to continue much more.
Because we had decided to separate each other, this time, definitively. The Tibetan
Legion belonged to the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, the Body was the responsible of the
personal guard of the Führer, and the most logic would be that such body would go to the
bunker to contribute on its defense. Berlin offered a catastrophic aspect: entire blocks
demolished by the air bombers and the Russian cannonade, the streets covered with debris,
flashes of different fires were added to the twilight of the dawn of that fatidical 29 of April of
1945. We marched in silence through many blocks until the Fredrichstrasse, or what remained
of it. The idea was to follow such way until the height of the subway train station and then
descend and transit underground; It was not possible to realize that simple plan because in the
street of the Fredrich a terrible tank battle was being waged. Then we tried, to reach the
highway of the Wilhelmstrasse when the Fortune, so elusive until then, came in our help.