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P. 719
of course that the vicissitudes and adventures lived until then, and that I can’t narrate now,
consumed us for many months.
Inversily to what was in The Pitch, in the mount Elbruz existed a Path towards
Agartha, or Venus, which is the same. The mission entrusted by Tarstein, and the Initiates
of the Black Order, consisted to localize the Caucasian Door of Agartha and unite such
place with the locality of Rastenburg, in the Oriental Prusia. How? With the dogs daivas;
ordering to the dogs in the Caucasus to reach Rastenburg, by means of a jump through the
Space and Time. In this manner, according to the presumptions of Tarstein, the distance
between Elbruz and Rastenburg would remain removed, or what is the same, the Door of
Agartha «would remain» in Rastenburg.
What importance had Rastenburg, to demand such operation? We didn’t know then,
because it was just asked to us to execute the plan before May of 1941, but since June 22, when
the Third Reich begins the invasion to the Soviet Union, the General Barracks of the Führer
would be installed in Rastenburg.
The key name of the Führer was Wolf, and for this reason his center of operations of the
East, the Throne from where he would oppose with the Power of the Spirit to the most
tenebrous Potencies of the Matter, would be recognized as Führerhauptquartier
Wolfsschanze, it means, Wolf’s Lair. It was located in the Prussian province of Köningsberg,
ancient townsquare of the Teutonic Order, in the midst of the forests that grow at the shores
of the Guber, and there landed von Grossen, Oskar Feil, Bangi, Srivirya, and I, a day of May
1941: the rest of the legion remained camped in the mount Elbruz, at 2000 km. of distance.
Just as their parents in the Tibet, Yun and Yab had responded to the order to fly and
they saved in an instant the established distance. Once in Rastenburg, we were dedicated to
signalize the right place from where the dogs daivas descended, because till there, wherever be
the site, would be tended a railroad to park the wagon of the Führer. We had strict orders to
not move until not be localized by the troops of the that Himmler had separated and that
was patrolling the region constantly. A platoon found us and immediately an entire battalion
occupied the zone in which, weeks later, the Wolfsschanze would be installed. It is worthy to
remember that in the same site, July 20 1944, a group of Traitor generals, the same that
supported Ernst Schaeffer, tried to assassinate the Führer with a the installation of a bomb of
high power at scarce metres from him. Of course, who not knows what was the Causasian door
of Rastenburg, not undertands yet how the Führer went out unhurt from the attempt.
When I returned finally to Berlin, on August 1941, was too late to bid farewell to
Rudolph Hess: on May 10 my taufpate had flown to England to try to neutralize the Golem
Strategy that had dominated the British High Command. His flight was concerted between
members of the English Secret Society Golden Dawn and Initiates of the Thulegesellschaft, but
just when he landed was captured by the Druids due to the treason of the German Abrecht
Haushofer and the British Duke of Hamilton, and confined in a militar prison. For the
Synarchy the peace between England and Germany and his alliance against the Soviet Union
would have been a catastrophe, project that Rudolph Hess was authorized to negotiate. So he
was incommunicated during the years of the war and a alleged dementia was published while
effectively they were trying to destroy his psyche with drugs similar to the ones that Belicena
Villca mentions. Analogously, to the case of Belicena Villca, as Rudolph was a Great Initaite, the