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we have inflicted the greates defiance in his own terrain: is impossible that they want
something else than vengeance. And the reprisals will not be of diplomatic or politic order
anymore, neither will propiciate secret pacts that endorse the strokes of the State or palatial
intriges: the Third Reich shall prepare to resist a formidable military potence.
And about you Lupus: it is not necessary to tell what represents for us. To count with
you means to dispose of strategic advantage for the execution of the plans of the Black
Order. Based on this we should try to preserve it from every danger; would be the most logic.
Nevertheless we will do all the opposite: we won’t neglect of your security, but we won’t
impede that you comply your mission, the mission that was entrusted to you by the Gods
when they signalized it with the Sign of the Origin. You will continue then, running risks!
We will study carefully your future operations, and to close with you Divine Sign, the Doors of
Hell! Now we know that you can do it. Will you?
The sixteen pairs of eyes were drilling my brain. I looked at Rudolph Hess, almost a
father for me. What could I deny him? And to Konrad Tarstein, my Hyperborean Instructor,
the Wise man who revealed me so many secrets. What would I not give him, who nothing
needed neither akes for himself? And the other Initiates, the Secret Architects of the New
Germany, the Chiefs of the Black Order : deny them something was refusing to serve the
homeland. In that moment, neffe Arturo, my answer could be just one:
–Heil Hitler! –I screamed, and I lifted my right arm to assent unequivocally. My answer,
neffe, and everyone comprehended that, was a oath, a vow of Knight .
When all had left, 30 minutes later, and only remained the Amphitryon, Rudolph Hess
and I in the Gregorstrasse 239, we said goodbye to Tarstein and lenft in the Mercedes. Just as
before, I drived and Rudolph Hess remained in the back seat. I desired to salute to Ilse and I
discarded that we would go to the house of Rudolph, but he warned me immediately «To the
Hotel Kaiserhof». I looked at him by the rearview mirror, without comprehending.
–Don’t you guess who is waiting us there? –he asked, while he smiled mockingly. I
trembled at asking:
–My Dad?
–Yes, Kurt. Your father in person. The baron von Sübermann has travelled especially
from Egypt to interview his elusive son.
–Oh, that’s great; that’s great. I can’t believe it yet. You warn him, don’t you? Tell me the
truth, taufpate?