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P. 767
generally gifts for their own children, clothes and food, and oter very different was the love of
the mother: that could not be paid with anything and for that reason superior ties than the
simple commercial transaction was generated: the «kinship of the milk». In fact, the mother of
milk usually became in «midwife» of the real mother and enjoyed of some friendship or
preference in respect to the other women of the calchaquí valley. Mores, centennial customs,
which came from the Age of the Spaniards, or perhaps of the Indians.
From those two women that embraced me, one was «mother of milk» and the other had
been of Katalina. «I have nothing, said me the first, neither look like Ms. Beatriz, but all whgat
mine is yours, Arturito, all my love». I thigtened with force such creole that had seen me born,
and I kissed her on the cheeks. «Thanks, Ms. Isabel, thanks you very much» I said her moved,
while the maudlins of La Merced were making a choir with their painful lamentations.
I left the midwives crossing themselves beside the coffins and I went away to a far
corner, accompanied by Uncle Kurt. Since the Commisar Maidana left, a growing overdrive
went seizing from me. I had an idea, an idea emerged from the rational conclusion of the
policeman, that I wanted to communicate to Uncle Kurt without delay. Naturally, if I didn’t
want to accept the proposals of Maidana, Uncle Kurt would have not even heard them. So, I
repeated him:
–Uncle Kurt! Uncle Kurt! –I startled him–. Reflect about the words of the cop: they are
as a syllogism. He affirmed «the killers are human»; why?: «because they use knives and batons,
it means, material weapons», he deducted. In that moment I denied that possibility completely,
but now I consider that the deduction of Commisar Maidana is great.
–Are you mad, neffe, out of your mind! –Uncle Kurt disqualified me to opine– They are
Immortals! Bera and Birsha are Immortals! If they employed a knife doesn’t mean anything: it
was necessary for the Ritual of the Sacrifice.
–For all the Gods, Uncle Kurt, don’t treat me like an idiot! –I defended myself–. I know
that they are immortals: but, as Belicena Villca said in the story of Nimrod, only while
they are not killed, «while not be exerted any kind of physical violence against Them».
«These Immortals can die too».
–Are you mad! –He repeated, more closed yet–. Didn’t you verify the power of the
Demon Bera last night? We can’t do anything against them. You have done very well
discouraging the police man!
–Oh, mein Gott! –I sweared– No Uncle Kurt! I am not mad! You are the one that sins of
obstinate! But you are going to the hear me. And you will let me to expose my idea; die prüfen?
–Yea, yea –he promised without conviction.
–Then behold. My concept is that there are two irreductible planes, that now, by an
erroneous and subjective appreciation of the reality, have been interfered or mixed. Such
planes are: the Plane of the Reality of the Spirit; and the Plane of the Human Reality.
Between both planes cannot be relations or connections, but senseless: every nexus or reason
is illusory, not real. But exists, also, a law, which is the reason of the unreason, that protects
and affirms the absolute reality of the planes. And this law, that sustains the reason of the
unreason between such planes, is the unique reference to not lose the reason and lose the
mind. This law of the sanity demands: to not transgress the planes. Not move to the
plane of the Reality of the Spirit own entities of the plane of the Human Reality; and
reciprocally: to not project to the plane of the Human Reality the ideas own of the