Page 769 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 769

House  of  Tharsis,  as  Mom  and  Katalina  and  Me,  the  things  occur  according  to  the
               aforementioned law: the pain must be consecrated and sacrificed to Jehovah-God; and
               for that are necessary Priest of  flesh and  bones. Thence that in all her letter, Belicena
               Villca always describes the Immortals as Diabolic Priests. Have you understood me Kurt?: for
               the Sacrifice of the Pain the Ritual of Death must be officiated; and, to officiate the
               Ritual of the Death, are necessary sacrificer Priests!
                      –Where are you aiming to? Or, better said, where do you think that your arguments will
               guide  me  to?  –Asked  Uncle  Kurt,  suspecting  that  my  intention  was  to  make  him  fall  in  a
               dialectic trap.
                      –Very simple:  my  conclusion  is,  and  I  think  that  I’ve  demonstrated  it,  that  to
               effectuate Ritual murders as the ones that they  executed  yesterday, the Immortals
               must present themselves in priestly human form. In one word, I think that the Commisar
               Maidana is right: the killers of my parents were human beings, Priests of the Crime that must
               use the knife and physical force to reduce their victims.
                      –… Although it seems mad, I must admit that it doesn’t lack of sense. Well, neffe; let’s
               suppose that it is thus: and what would we gain with it? Where would be the difference of the
                      –Ahhh…. –I breathed triumphant–. Your question obeys to the fact that you not cinsider
               neither remotely the possibility to attack. Is that?
                      –Attack? I think that you have gone mad –He prejudged.
                      –Yes! Attack, attack the Demons! What happens to you uncle? The thirty five years of
               forced vacations have softened you?
                      –But how, Arturo, how we would do that. Where we would find them?. –I had left Uncle
               Kurt, virtually disconcerted, without knowing what argument oppose against my crazy idea–.
               And, even supposing that we could do it. For what it would be useful, for what would be useful
               the Strategy of the Siddhas? Don’t we agreed, already, that the best would be to follow the trace
               of Noyo Villca, comply with the request of Belicena Villca?

               –Shhhhh –I blew, putting the index finger on my mouth in signal of silence–. Still! You’ll
               find all these answers, when you know the plan.
               –What plan? –Interrogated Uncle Kurt with fear.
               –My plan! The plan that I have to end with the Demons! But I will not talk about it now until
               the funeral not ends. Then I will explain it to you and we will discuss it.
               Not convinced, Uncle Kurt moved his head with funny preoccupation. If we were not in so
               tragic circumstances, I would have laughed of the good mood of his gestures, with which he
               pretended to express that he was a serious person who had fallen in hands of a madman.

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