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P. 799

«Babylon the Great hath fallen,

                                        Who gave to drink from the wine of the

                                         Universal Empire to all the Nations».

                          And another Angel, the third one, followed him, saying with great voice:

                                      «If anyone whorshipeth the Beast and its image

                                     And receiveth the Mark on the Brow or the Hand,

                                     Shall drink from the wine of Jehovah’s furor,

                                         Pure wine, concentrated, human lye,

                                                In the coup of his wrath.

                                       And shall be tormented in Fire and Sulphur

                                            In the presence of the Holy Saints

                                             And in the presence of the Lamb.

                                            The smoke of its torment riseth

                                             For the centuries of centuries;

                                      And have none repose nor in day nor in night

                                      And those who worship the Beast and its image,

                                       And those who receive the Mark of its Name».

                      «Here is the consistency of the Chosen People, those who keep the commandements of
               Jehovah and the faith in the Messiah!».
                      –What do you see now?
                      –Another Immortal Angel.  He signalizes the city that is in the mount Zion, in the midst
               of the sea of lye, and says: «Behold the bride, the wife of the Lamb!».
                      This Angel speaks for those who worship the Lamb, and promise them the salvation of
               the werewolves hiding himself in the Citiy of Jehovah. Thus he says.

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