Page 800 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 800
«A City shall come from Heaven,
Upon the mount Zion,
By Jehovah.
Its blaze shall be similar to a precious stone,
As a stone of jasper that emiteth crystalline sparkles.
It shall have a great and elevated wall,
In which twelve doors shall be;
And over the doors, twelve Angels;
And names written on them, which are
The twelve Tribes of the Sons of Israel.
At the East, three doors; at the South, three doors;
And at the West, three doors.
The wall of the city shall have twelve bases;
And upon them, twelve names, of the twelve
Apostles of the Lamb».
And the Angel uses a golden reed to measure the city, its doors and wall.
«The City will be seated in quadrangular form; and its longitude will be as long as its
And measures the City with the reed and has twelve thousand fields. Its longitude, its
width, and its height, are equal. And measures the wall and has one hundred and forty four
elbows, according to the human measure, which is of the Angel. And the Angel says:
«The material of the wall will be jasper, and the City of pure gold similar to the pure
crystal. The bases of the walls of the City shall be decorated with every kind of precious stones.
The first base will be jasper; the second sapphire; the third, chalcedony; the fourth, emerald;
the fifth, birthstone; the sixth, cornelian; the seventh, chrysolite; the eight, beryl; the ninth,
topaz; the tenth, agate; the eleventh, hyacinth; and the twelfth amethyst. The twelve doors
shall be twelve pearls; each door shall be of just one pearl, as shining crystal. There shall be
none sanctuary there; because its Sanctuary shall be Elohim, Jehovah Sebaoth, and the Lamb.
And the city would not need from the Sun neither the Moon to illuminate it; beacause the