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P. 802
–The moment has come! The End is the same that the Beginning! –Exclaimed Kurt
Chapter XV
I was startled by those unexpected words of Uncle Kurt. However, he asked then:
–What do you see now?
–The twin Wild boars have risen to the starry Sky searching for the Dragon. But the Dragon is
not in Heaven but in the Final Battle. And the Wild boars have become stars again, and have
situated themselves at the feet of the Virgin, near to the Raven. And many constellations
missing in the sky, as a book of images to which many pages would have been booted.
–What do you see now?
–The stars of Heaven, all those that remained, abandoned their positions and they turn
around the two Wild boar-stars. It is the chaos primordialis, the massa confusa!
–I’ll project the Sign of the Origin on the massa confusa! –Uncle Kurt screamed.
Apparently located very near to me now, at my back. I imagined his empty and black hollows,
profound and infinite, peering at the alchemist recipient, which shining surface would shelter
irredeemably what he was: the Sign of the Origin, the Sign of the Vril, the Mark of the
Virgin, the Sign of Lucifer, the Sign of Shiva. I imagined it, because I didn’t want to look it,
and see as before, to the Frya Death, the Bear Man and the Werewolf.
In the womb, the surface of the Sulphur Philosophorum showed the image of a swirl of lumen
naturae that turned around the two twin-stars, the monads of Bera and Birsha. When the
first Rune was reflected on them, they lost great part of their bright and began to solidify. And
they continued thus, overshadowing and solifiying themselves, in the measure that the next
Runes succeeded. And when, at last, the thirteen Runes were impressed, the two stars
experienced a methamorphosis and they became in flowers of Stone. Then, as if Uncle Kurt
would have made me the question, I described what I saw aloud:
–The stars are now two flowers of stone; are two padmas or lotus: Esther is the name of those
Stones. And the thirteen Runes move and associate each other of incomprehensible manner.
And the thirteen Runes form a Sign that disintegrates the swirl, the chaos confusum, and
replace it for the most impenetrable shadows; only the flowers of stone have remained in the
Sulphur Philosophorum: and now they precipitate to the bottom of the matrix. Opus
consumatum est!
–You possess now two lapis philosophorum! –Uncle Kurt said–. You’ve completed the
Work, through the Virgin, because you have seen the Work! And you have received the
descensus spiritus sancti creator! You are just like me, and I am just like You!
¡Naturalissimun et perfectissimun opus est generare tale quale ipsum est!. Impromptu I
realized that the roars had ended, howls and barks. I turned abruptly and searched Uncle Kurt
with the gaze: I didn’t see him anywhere. I observed instead two white stains that were moving