Page 807 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 807
Now I understand that such answer was unbecoming and absurd as to offer it to an
unknown Indian who possibly would not even have the minor idea of what I was saying. But I
suffered the effects of the shock and the crisis and I didn’t stop to think in what I was saying.
Rather he accursed me permanently for all my mistakes: for being the cause that the Demons
would have discovered the World and the domicile where my family lived; because in the plan
attack I forgot to consider the compassive action that produced me the farewell of Uncle Kurt
in Cerrillos, before flying with the dogs daivas: Uncle Kurt knew what was going to happen,
that we were going to be proved by the Maternal Passion of Avalokishtevara, who
would defend the Immortals mercifully, and that with all possibility should leave in
persecution of the Demons, to maintain his fear awakened; and for that reason he
wished to bid farewell before entering in operations! And I was the imbecile who
followed with the plan till the end, without stop in anything, underestimating the capacity of
Uncle Kurt! Now I was alone, more alone of what Uncle Kurt was in his exile, although he
affirmed the opposite to console me and give me courage!
Such were the thoughts that occupied my mind when I replied to the Indian of the
referred manner. Fortunatelly I was not completely alone: the Indian repeated, with even more
–Beraj and Birchaj?
It is possible that just in this moment I realized that the Indian was real.
–Beraj…? –I repeated, trying to remember where I had heard before that pronunciation.
Then I remembered the Letter of Belicena Villca and the story of the People of the Moon–. It is
true that you know them too! Those Sons of the Bitch exterminated your family, just as the
House of Tharsis and my own Lineage! –I exclaimed with exaggerated euphoria.
–And how do you know it? –The Indian interrogated in the top of the amazement–. You
are not from Army?
–Hahaha –I laughed with desire, at discovering the impression that the command
uniform caused–. No, man, no. I do not belong to the Army. Who was member of the Army was
Noyo Villca, as you know it well. Is that you don’t remember me? I am Arturo Siegnagel, the
Psychiatrist that attended Belicena Villca in Salta. She told me everything in an extense letter:
for example, I know that you descend from the People of the Moon, who lived Isle Koaty in the
Lake Titicaca, and that your remote ancestors resided in Scandinavia, in the country of King
Kollman, from the Lineage of Skiold.
–Oh, the Medic. Yes, I remember you. I was aware that Ms.Belicena would write a letter
with information about the House of Tharsis, but I ignored who would be the receiver.
–And you say –He added– that those torturers are the same Beraj and Birchaj who
guided malones of Diaguite-Hebrew Indians, at the command of the Cacique Cari, in the
invasion to the Island of the Sun?
–They –I corrected him–. Indeed, were the same, although they maybe employed other
bodies; I don’t know that with exactitude. But what is true is that three months ago they
murdered Belicena Villca in the Hospital, and in just four days that they ended with all my
family; by these damn Demons, we just remained three survivors of three spiritual Lineages:
Noyo Villca, from the House of Tharsis; Segundo, from the House of Skiold; and Arturo
Siegnagel, from the House von Sübermann. Belicena Villca requests me in her Letter to search
for her Noyo Villca in Córdoba, and she assures me that you will help me. Moreover she