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P. 808
recommends me to be very carefull with Bera and Birsha, who were powerful Demons; but you
see: even for the hits they gave us, and thanks to the help of the Gods, we could end with them
for the moment. There will be another Demons that will chase us undoubtedly, and thousand
unknown dangers, but it is little probable that Bera and Birsha return to the World of the Blood
of Tharsis; in the other Worlds of Illusion, nevertheless, they will continue existing;
And woe of those spiritual men that don’t find soon the World of the House of
Tharsis! What do you think, Segundo, will you help me?
–Of course I will! Know, Dr. Siegnagel, that She was for those of my Race a Queen: her
desires are orders for me. She asked me to not go to Hospital of Salta again because she was
watched and suspected that she was going to be killed: and I fulfilled her orders to the letter; I
never went to Salta again and I not responded to correspondence of the Hospital, of the Judge,
of the Police, etc. And no one came here because this house is very difficult to find. Very
powerful must be your powers to have arrived here, by surprise, and achieve to expulse the
Demons. You have saved my life, and surely you have avoided me a terrible previous suffering!
But I don’t know till what point give thanks to you, due to, as you’ll understand, I am tired to
I comprehended it perfectly due to I was tired to live too; and if I continued, as such
Germanic Indian, would be exclusively for Honor, because was an Honor to stay and comply
with the mission that the Gods that commanded the Essential War had assigned, and because
after the Final Battle, once adjusted the accounts with the Potencies of the Matter, we would
return definitively to the Origin of the Uncreated Spirit. I saw the face of Segundo decomposed
with pain and I ran to a contiguous warehouse to search the medical kit which was in the glove
compartment of a pick-up. With patience, I disinfected the twenty fingers and I went
bandaging them one by one. I brought with me the sedative dragees, and gave him two to
swallow: four miligrams that would put him to sleep until the noon.
Before concluding the cure I was already nodding sleepy, so I took him to his room,
making him to tread with the heels, and I left him lying in his humble carob tree bed.
I heated coffee, and I drank it more tranquil seated on a chair of the kitchen. The
meeting with Segundo had calmed me a lot and now I was meditating on the next steps to be
followed. Over the table I deposited the carafe of adic, transmuted as a very black liquid but of
light density. To recover the roses of stone, the earings of Avalokiteshvara, I’d shed such
useless substance into the pool, and I would neutralize the residual acidity with a powerful
concentrated detergent that I discovered in a closet. One minute later, the earings of Esther
were in my pocket, already empty of weapons. Certainly, we exaggerated the artillery, and now
they rested over the table, the Itaka, fifty loaders, the ten grenades of fragmentation, the boms
of trotyl, and the hill knife. With the body lighter, I assured with discretion of the profound
Dream of Segundo, and I decided to eliminate the rests of the Asian killers. Provided with a
powerful lantern of twelve unities, I explored the surroundings of the Chacra.
I verified then that, indeed, the edification of house followed the chart of the ancient
Pucará of Tharsy, and that the permetral fortress was reduced to a low rammed earth, of no
more than a meter, to dissimulate its function to shelter a liberated area. On its interior still
existed the ancient cromlech, which stones formed an enormous circle, in which area fitted the
the plant of the Chacra. But I was intrigated for the Menhir of Tharsy, the one that the White
Atlanteans planted to establish the pact of Blood with the Lineage of Tharsis and dertermine