Page 812 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 812

had the necessity of such reserve, but we could take whatever we wanted, because such was the
               will the Belicena Villca.
                      However,  as  far  as  I  know  such  wealth  belonged  to  Noyo  de  Tharsis  and  it  was  not
               convenient to touch it for the moment. It resulted paramount, then, to assure the care of the
               Chacra, even if we were absent for a long time. Segundo was occupied of it, bringing from Tafí
               del Valle a nourished kin that on another occaciones had already cohabited in that place: they
               would live in the home service and would watch the place.
                      Once arranged this, we left on May 4 towards Santa María, in the pick-up of Segundo. I
               never thought to come back to Salta; but I had to cancel the business of Uncle Kurt indefectibly.
               Apart that in the Ranch of my Uncle were waiting for me the two most beloved things that
               were left for me in my life: the manuscript of Belicena Villca, reproduced in this book, and the
               manuscript  of  Konrad  Tarstein,  of  his  unpublished  book  «Secret  History  of  the
               Thulegesellschaft», that I whish to publish in the future.
                      The Ranch of Santa María was impossible to sell because Uncle Kurt was not dead but
               «dissapeared» and his testimony at my favour lacked of value in this case. But if I could rent it
               and  that  was  what  I  did,  agreeing  a  contract  with  the  Toloba’s,  who  for  many  years
               accompanied my Uncle Kurt: they would be in charge of the small candy factory, and to guard
               the belongings of my Uncle. They would just pay a moderate annual rent. Of course that in
               future, if I’d need to reduce that property to spot money, I’d appeal to the known expedient to
               falsify the death certificate of «Cerino Sanguedolce» and I would make valid the testament. But
               the future is still in hands of the Gods.
                      What  I  was  able  to  sell,  was  the  Ranch  of  Cerrillos,  which  I  not  wanted  to  conserve
               anymore. I wrote, thus, to my lawyers of Salta to put it in sell immediately and liquidate it as
               soon  as  possible.  Six  months  later,  in  Córdoba,  I  signed  the  definitive  documents  of  the
               transaction and I received an appreciable sum of money. And the last day that I was in Santa
               María, I sent per parcel the two packs to Maidana, communicating him in a brief note that the
               command  operation  resulted  a  success  and  that  would  be  worthless  to  search  the  «Asian
               Killers» anymore; and that, not recovered from the pain of the death of my family, I undertook
               a rest journey and at the return I’d gather with him. A «white lie», it is clear. What else I could
               say to Maidana? Perhaps in the future; perhaps if the Gods decide in the future.

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