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P. 816

were murdered one year ago; but the killers didn’t reach to end with us. And for that reason,
               Uncle Kurt left more that one year ago, assuring that he would never return. It is just me, with
               the mission to find the Tyrodal Knights.
                      –I  am  so  sorry  for  what  happened,  I  knew  how  much  he  loved  his  sister  Beatriz!
               Precisely, I avoided the meetings with her for the fear to involve her and cause any involuntary
                      I bit my lips at hearing that truth: Uncle Kurt protected her for 35 years and I gave her
               in  an  instant  in  hands  of  her  executioners.  The  news  Ms.  Feil  were  not,  otherwise,  very
               encouraging in regard to the Order:
                      –I fear that I could not do anything for you, because is very little what Oskar revealed
               me about the Order of Tyrodal Knights. Of course, she didn’t give me any information about its
               members or meeting places.
                      I looked her without being able to dissimulate the deception. My expression resulted
               funny, because she smiled and encouraged me to have hopes: existed one possibility.
                      –We’ll do something, Dr. Siegnagel; is the only thing that is in my hands; and beg to
               your Gods for it success. Oskar had a safety box in his desk where he had the things of the
               Order. He recommended me many times that if «something» occurred to him, and someone of
               the Order came to reclaim his belongings, I had to give back without discussion the content of
               that coffer. But until now nobody, except you have requested information about the Order, so I
               had never opened his safety box. What we will do, then, will be to examine the content of the
               box and try to find any clue.
                      We  went  immediately  to  the  study  room  of  the  deceased  Oskar  and,  with  growing
               anxiety, I waited for Ms Feil to digitate the combination of the lock. At last it was opened and
               the reserved objects remained at sight. The skinny esoteric heritage of Oskar Feil consisted in
               two objects: a book and a vulgar magazine.
                      It would be difficult that someone achieve to feel my perplexity in that moment. The
               book  was  an  exemplar  of  the  «Fundamentals  of  the  Hyperborean  Wisdom»,  by  Nimrod  de
               Rosario, exactly equal to the one that Uncle Kurt gave me to read in Santa María, and that now
               I had in my power. And the magazine, it was a number of Spot’s, with three years of antiquity.
                      Ms.  Feil  ended  sharing  my  preoccupation  and,  unknowing  how  to  conform  me,  or
               wishing that the interview ends as soon as possible, she gave me the two publications. She was
               convinced, she said, that Oskar Feil would approve her behavior because I was the nephew of
               her most beloved Comrade, to whom nothing could deny him.
                      It is worthless to clarify that I inspected the book letter by letter, searching some secret
               indication,  some  cryptographic  message,  some  hidden  hint,  some  key  just  destined  to  be
               interpreted by the Hyperoborean Initiates. Very soon I had to discard that the book offered
               such possibility.
                      And it is worthless to explain that I read and studied all the articles of the magazine,
               searching there a clue of the Order of Tyrodal Knights. Very soon I arrived to the same results
               that with the book: nothing; none indication. Disagreeable task this last one, because Spot’s is
               a sensasionalist magazine of the lowest intellectual or moral level.
                      Crudely officialist on its political general line, it lacks of defined editorial criterion due to
               its articles are redacted with the evident purpose to cause the low hit or the scandal, effects
               that,  naturally,  are  pleasant  to  its  more  than  2.000.000  of  readers.  The  ethic  limits  of  the

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