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P. 820
About the hyperborean Initiation nothing can be advanced here. Only who had studied step by
step, and understood the the Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom, will be able to
perceive in what consists. The Second Part of this book, which has been bounded separated, is
an introduction to the Hyperborean Initiation and there is the theme developed with high
details. However, that part of the Fundamentals, will be only given to those Chosen ones who
have manifested conformity with the mission of the Order and have assumed the compromise
to continue until being initiated. Anyway, the most important now is to stand out that who
continues: through the proposed path, and receives the Hyperborean Initiation, WILL BE IN
There are multiple paths that can take the astrayed man in our days; some of them are parallels
or even coincidents with some tactic way of the Strategy of the Loyal Siddhas; others, most of
them, are paths that in favor of the plans of the Enemy or ambush destinated to avoid that
such plans be disadventaged. Each one must discern, in the measure of the possibilities, what is
TO THE ORDER OF TYRODAL KNIGTHS. The order, in fact, is not composed by judges but
from Hyperborean Kshatriyas, warriors of the End of the History; their mission is not to judge
the actual times, and even less to condemn anyone, but to prepare the Chosen ones to face with
honor the End of History, the inevitable struggle that will take place and that will include many
worlds in its operation theatre. This mission is commended to the Order by the Loyal Siddhas
and to that end guides the path that the Tyrodal Knights guard; who go on through this
particular path must comprehend and accept that, even if the Hyperborean Wisdom of which
they are depositaries would make it possible, the Tyrodal Knights will not try to change the
course of the History. And who not share this condition can, as has been already said, take the
path of his convenience, specially if he belives that something of this world deserves to be
saved: the Hyperborean Wisdom is not for weak natures; the Hyperborean Initiate must exhibit
a heart of ice and a will of fire.
In this moment, the main variants of the History are controlled by the Enemy. The White
Hierarchy of Chang Shambhala sustains the center of all the cultures of the Earth and the
agents of the International Synarchy: they, thousands of man and organizations of every kind
and function, are working for the concretion of the World Government. Behind the white
Hierarchy are the Traitor Siddhas, the ancient responsibles of the spiritual incarceration: their
pact with the Demiurge obey them to enthrone over mankind the “Sacred Races”; the actual
“sacred race” of the Demiurge is the hebrew and to them will be conferred the power of the
World Government. If the objective of such vile conspiracy is achieved, the sure consequence
would be a materialization even more intense of man and his collective moral degradation.