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choice, the Chosen one not made it in this life neither in this Earth, but in other plane of
existence, not espacial nor temporal, where resides chained the Hyperborean Spirit. However,
even if the desicion to fight for the freedom of the Spirit is taken, every new incarnation
produces its partial oblivion. The chosen one, at the moment of being localized by the Tyrodal
Knights, is asleep: the first act consists then, in to awake in them the remembrance of their
own desicion. It makes necessary, then, to sustain a dialogue with the asleep Chosen one to try
to awake in him, his spiritual nature; but such dialogue, to be effective, must surpass all the
cultural hurdles that the Enemy has mounted in the interior of the psychic structure and reach
directly to the manifestation of the Spirit. Naturally, such dialogue can’t be attempted counting
only with a profane language: this book, just as will be explained later, has as finality: teach to
the Chosen one a method of thoughts wich will allow to comprehend the metaphysical meaning
of the expressed concepts by the Tyrodal Knights. For this reason, previously to the reading of
this book, it is not possible to satisfy any question of the Chosen one about the Mystery of the
Hyperborean Initiation and the possibility of the spiritual liberation; and after its reading, that
will be only possible if it is accepted and understood.
The Chosen one, although asleep, exhibit unequivocal signals of who is he. Fundamentally it
treats about two inheritances: one genetic and the other spiritual. The genetic inheritance
consists in a content of the blood: the remembrance of the Origin, which is more intense as
purer is the blood; for this reason the Hyperborean Wisdom distinguish between the blood
purity and the racial purity: the second is not indispensable for the Hyperborean Initiation, but
the first yes due to, without purity of blood, without remembrance of the Origin, there is no
possibilty of spiritual liberation. In what treats about the spiritual inheritance this is
manifested in the volitional character of the Self: as will be demonstrated in this book, the Self
is a consequence of the spiritual incarceration; from this that its aspect reveals us immediatedly
the grade of misplacement and submission of the Chosen one. If by their dominion of the
Hyperborean Wisdom, the Tyrodal Knights dispose of the most perfect methods to determine
if someone is a Chosen one and, if it is a Chosen one, in what grade of misplacement is and/
when the Tyrodal Knights had determinated with precision that someone is a Chosen one, and
it is possible the awakening, is then realized the consultation to the Loyal Siddhas, Those Who
never err, to confirm or refuse the Judgment of the Order.
There is not, then, error if a Chosen one is convoked to participate form the Hyperborean
Wisdom: that means that, in two worlds, his awake is considered possible.
IV – The mission of the Tyrodal Knights proposes to the Chosen ones the Hyperborean
Initiation, to face with honor THE NEXT END OF THE HISTORY.