Page 815 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 815
Córdoba, June 7 1981.
To the reader of this book:
Truly, it was my intention to conclude «The Mystery of the Hyperborean Wisdom» in
the previous page. In that moment I had nothing else to say. But today, one week later, has
occurred something that brought new light about the problem that occupied me, this is, the
localization of the Order of Tyrodal Knights: I think I have obtained, at last, a secure clue.
And I think that it is my duty of Honor to share it with the reader, give him the same
opportunity that I have now.
But, before offering such information, I will exposse in succinct mode what happened to
me yesterday.
I was searching for inner enlightment, because the exterior search took me nowehere.
Hence I wrote the present book; and was at its end that, much more serene then, I decided to
try a way that I had not tried. Yerterday at the afternoon, without any advice, I went to the
house of Oskar Feil, the deceased friend of Uncle Kurt, and who had found the Order of Tyrodal
Knights first. As I supposed, his wife, a nice and sympathetic Italian woman, ignored all about
the location of the Tyrodal Order. She assured me that Oskar died naturally, but very happy for
the spiritual satisfactions that received on the last years.
She knew about the existence of the Order, and much more about the story of Uncle
Kurt, and she felt surprised because he didn’t mention it. I explained him that with Uncle Kurt
we didn’t have much time to talk, and that he had left unfinished many themes to which he
would never give me an answer:
–But what has happened with Kurt? –She asked–. He died? If it is thus, I will tell you all
what I know, which is not too much, and much less what to search for. Look, I know about you:
I know that you’re a nephew of Salta, son of his sister and an Argentinian-German. And do you
know how I know it? Not by Uncle Kurt, who would never say anything, but for the good Oskar,
who loved him a brother and shared with me his entire story. For that reason I will tell you
what he didn’t tell you: I am Italian, that is obvious; what is not so obvious is that I was novice
of the Monastery where von Grossen and Oskar Feil took refugee for two years, after 1945,
with the posterior company of his Uncle Kurt. Well, Oskar and I fell in love, and when he came
to Argentina, I didn’t delay to follow him and marry with him in this country, where we have
been were happy: we had a couple of two children that now are going to the University. For that
reason it is strange that he didn’t mention me, because your Uncle knew me almost as much as
Oskar. And what has happened with him? Tell me with trust; he had to flee from those terrible
enemies that according to Oskar would not stop to search you will your death?
–No Lady –I clarified–. Fortunatelly Uncle Kurt has not died, nevertheless if it is true
what you suppose: those «terrible enemies» found him finally, and exterminated all his family,
which was mine too. It means, all my family, mi parents, my sister, nephews, and far relatives,