Page 222 - Argentina - Carter, Regan, and Bush VP
P. 222

No Objection To Declassification in part 2013/01/16 : NLC-1 -13-8-31 -4|
                                      H                                      H                          "w i j - I

                                                 THE WHITE HOUSE

               ■6-EGRET                                                  January 17, 1980

               1. Afghanistan Expels All American Journalists) Embassy Kabul
                      was informed today by the foreign ministry that all American
                      journalists have been ordered to depart Afghanistan on the
                       first available aircraft. The Afghan official stated that
                       this action had been taken because of the "American journalists'
                       interference in the internal affairs of Aghanistan and their
                      biased reporting." Our embassy estimates that there are
                      30 to 50 American journalists and cameramen in Afghanistan,
                      and it is now in the process of informing the journalists
                      and assisting them to exit the country. (Kabul 175, PSN
                      36409)  (C)                                 ,

               2.' Christopher/Genscher Meeting:  Christopher outlined to Foreign
                      Minister Genscher yesterday our strategy toward Iran, explaining
                      the need to implement economic sanctions and requesting
                      FRG assistance. He clarified that we hope sanctions will
                      obviate the need for other, more risky measures, and stressed
                      the importance of European support. Genscher expressed
                      an FRG willingness to help as much as possible bn sanctions,
                      indicated coordination with the other Europeans, and promised
                      an early decision.. The foreign minister stressed the need
                      to consider our decisions and the developments in Iran carefully
                      to ensure that European nationals are not taken hostage.
                      The foreign minister stated it is important that Iranian
                      leaders not see the conflict with the U.S. as more important
                      than the Soviet threat; therefore, Western public statements
                      should not diminish the Soviet conflict with the Islamic
                      world. Genscher proposed that the Western reaction to the
                      events in Afghanistan be incorporated into an overall political
                      strategy, and outlined some steps the EC is considering
                      in this regard, including new arrangements with Yugoslavia
                      and consideration of a possible political arrangement with
                      the Gulf states and Iraq modeled ion the EC-ASEAN cooperation
                      agreement. Genscher further stressed the need to reach
                      a comprehensive Middle cAst peace settlement, and described
                      Israel's security concerns as small compared to the threat
                      now posed by the Soviets to all countries of the region.
                       (Bonn 916, PSN 35795, 35800, 35802, 35806, 35810)  (S)

               CECRBT                                                                DECLASSIFIED
               REVIEW ON JANUARY 16, 1990                                              E.O.13526          ^
                                                                                         D8tO...              ------

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