Page 289 - Argentina - Carter, Regan, and Bush VP
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No Objection To Declassification in Full 2013/02/04 : NLC-24-67-9-9-3 •
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Charge' in Santiago, was to describe tho Waldheim
initiative as "interfcrence". Latent reports indicate,
however, that the Chileans have agreed to "forgive"
the dcmonatrolora and provide Waldheim with what infor
mation it can find about specific eases of relatives of
the demonstrators. In addition, the Chileans have
issued an invitation to the Secretary General, himselft
to visit Chile. Waldheim is considering
emissary to Chile, and the Chileans seem receptive —
on the condition that the frame of reference for the
visit be broadened so that not only the fate of tho-
missing Chilcann would ba discussed, but other human
rights conditions as well. 1
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No Objection To Declassification in Full 2013/02/04 : NLC-24-67-9-9-3