Page 294 - Argentina - Carter, Regan, and Bush VP
P. 294

No Objection To Declassification in Full 2013/02/04 : NLC-24-67-4-3-4
                                           NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL

                                                                        November 19, 1977

                  MEMORANDUM FOR:            ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI

                  FROM:                       JESSICA TUCHMAN ’
                                             ROBERT PASTOR^,-

                   SUBJECT:                  Nuclear Talks in Brazil and Argentina

                  Attached at Tab A is a memorandum from State laying out a proposed strategy
                   for nuclear proliferation talks with Brazil and Argentina during Secretary
                  Vance's forthcoming trip. It arrived after Nye ai^d Smith had already
                   arrived in Argentina for preparatory talks, f

                  The memo says little about Argentina—only that we will seek a decision to
                  ratify the Treaty of Tlatelolco, but may have to settle only for a declaration
                  of intent to ratify (judging from recent intelligence reports, we may not even
                   get that much).

                  With regard to Brazil, State believes that time is on our side (growing
                   Brazilian dissatisfaction with the German deal; the next Brazilian President
                   seems to be more flexible on this issue; and increasing French pressure on
                  Pakistan) and that "Geisel is likely to reject cut of hand any package of
                  proposals we present at this time". State concludes therefore that we should
                   not present our proposal on the FRG/Brazil agreement and instead confine
                   these discussions to a general discussion of the "hemispheric security

                  We believe that this is a mistake. Since the Brazilians know that we have
                   already presented the proposal to the Germans, and since the President's
                   letter to Geisel made reference to Smith's presenting the details on this trip,
                   the Brazilians might be understandably offended if, after inviting Smith at
                   Carter's request, they find he has little to tal& about.

                   We also believe that the proposal should be sweetened by the addition of a
                  proposal for joint US-Brazil cooperation in non-nuclear energy R&D projects.
                   This is the proposal you approved in Pastor's recent memo.

                  That you sign the memo to the President at Tab I.                            E.0.13526
                                                                               Authority ^      ~~ 3>vA-L»~l-M-2> -*4
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