Page 290 - Argentina - Carter, Regan, and Bush VP
P. 290

No Objection To Declassification in Full 2013/02/04 : NLC-24-67-9-3-9
                   '        Weexiy Keport - March U, 1977.

                                                  Olu i \
                    Reporting Items (Pastor)

                    Human Rights DOS REVIEWED 07-Jun-2010: D£CLASSTfTeD f6r"RELEASE l\ FULL.

                    Guatemala and El Salvador have followed the path blazed by Brazil,
                    Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile in renouncing U.S . foreign military
                    assistance because of the way in which aid was tied to human rights.
                    Peru's Prime Minister also said that a country's (i.e. , the U.S .) policy
                    on human rights should not interfere in the internal affairs of another
                    country.                                           *

                    Chile has also tried to spread rumors of an impending conference
                    among military regimes to coordinate a response to the U.S ., but her
                    efforts have been resisted, particularly by Argentina, because (I think)
                    the governments are waiting for additional indications of the direction
                    of U.S. policy.


                    Our initial strategy to hold the question of the termination date of a
                    treaty in suspension while we explore Panama's position on neutrality
                    and post-treaty defense arrangements has apparently failed. The
                    President's reference on March 6 to the year 2000 as the date after
                    which we will be concerned with the Canal's neutrality was taken by
                    the Panamanians as an indication that the only issue worth focusing
                    on is neutrality, and we have been thrown on the defensive.
                    Torrijos was ill this past week, but yesterday told an Italian newspaper
                    that he wanted the United Nations to control the waterway . Unless he
                    accepts a special role for the U.S . within this guarantee-system, we
                    are back to the beginning.

                    Negotiations promise to be difficult in the months ahead unless we can
                    convice Peres and Lopez Michelsen to get Torrijos to accept our require­
                    ments on neutrality.


                    A Presidential Directive was sent out on Cuba on March 15 directing
                    the State Department to begin direct and confidential talks with Cuban
                    officials. Such direct talks began on March 10 in New York to set a
                    time, place, and agenda for talks ,

                                                                                   M L.C- *a‘4-(#"7-e)-3-4V


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