Page 16 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes
P. 16
Rope Bondage Safety
gain, the difference symptoms listed above,
between tying remove the rope
Abondage and tying immediately!
knots is that with bondage,
you’re not just tying rope; Great care must be taken
you’re tying people—people to prevent such damage.
with bodies, circulatory This also requires
systems, nerves and communication on the part
emotions (like vengeance, of the person being tied, to
for example). For this inform the person tying him
reason, safety must be your or her of any symptoms of
first concern when tying any oncoming circulation loss.
of the bondage pieces Damage can happen
outlined within this book, surprisingly quickly. The
without exception. person tying must also pay
extra attention to checking
Damage to the nerves and in and monitoring the
blood supply are the primary physical state of the person
safety concerns related to being tied (or persons, if
rope bondage. Disruption of you’re lucky).
blood circulation in any part
of the body, regardless of The bondage techniques
whether it occurs in a region described in this book are
of a major artery or an designed to be effective
isolated capillary network, without being particularly
can lead to (undesirable) tight. Also be aware of the
pain and, eventually, tissue physical limitations of the
damage. Examples of tissue damage include bruising, individuals you are tying. Not everyone has the range of
temporary or permanent nerve damage and in extreme, motion or the (perhaps freakish) joint flexibility of the
unmitigated, situations necrosis (tissue death). models pictured in this book, so you’ll have to make
adjustments accordingly to suit the comfort of your partner.
Symptoms of circulation interruption include numbness, a Again, communication is key.
tingling sensation, pain, a drop in skin temperature and a
skin color change to pale white or blue. Circulation Rope Bondage Dos and Don’ts
disruption is not the only threat to nerves. Sudden pressure, Thankfully, the dangers associated with rope bondage don’t
such as an impact or jerking on a rope, can also cause have to occur; all are preventable with good techniques
harm, even instantly. and sensible precautions. Here are some commonsense
Dos and Don’ts that will help ensure safety during your
If the person you are tying experiences pain or any of the rope bondage experience.
Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes 1