Page 21 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes
P. 21
Another neat tip-finisher dry, after first unbraiding
is clear or colored nail it so it doesn’t develop an
polish. Paint an inch unsightly “memory.”
across where you want to
cut, saturating the rope. Hemp rope should only
Let it dry overnight. Then be washed infrequently,
cut in the middle of the as water weakens it.
painted section and Keep it away from
apply a finishing coat to Whipping—winding several feet of thread around the sunlight. You may also
the ends. Alternatively, end—is a good way to secure the tips of natural fiber want to rub it using a
you can cut an inch or so rope, like hemp, which doesn’t melt. mink-oiled piece of
away from the painted canvas once a year to
section and fray the end maintain its suppleness.
for a soft tassel that
won’t unravel past the If you like to add color to
nail polish. your rope, you can easily
dye many types of rope
Care and Feeding using liquid Rit ® dye in a
Don’t be gross. Wash large (2–3 gallon) pot on
your rope if visibly (or your stove. (Follow the
aromatically) soiled— directions on the
especially after hot sweaty package). Cotton dyes
scenes or if your play easily. Even most solid
involved bodily fluids or braid nylon holds dye if
lube (we could only hope). Nail polish (clear or colored) can seal the rope too. Allow its weave is loose enough,
The best way to wash to dry and then cut in the middle of the painted section. but consider it an
most rope is to chain experiment. Hemp dyes
braid it (see Chain well too, but that’s almost
Braiding) and slip it into a sacrilege. If you must
lingerie washing bag or a have colored rope and
closed pillowcase. Wash it don’t want the fuss,
on delicate cycle. Do not is
use liquid detergents, a good online source.
liquid bleach or fabric
softeners, which will leave Once cut, apply a coat of Alternatively, cut the rope a In the End
an oily feel to your rope. nail polish to the exposed short distance from the Like your style of bondage,
(Same goes for dryer ends and let dry. painted section to create soft the rope you use is a
sheets.) For best results, tassels. The rope won’t fray personal choice. Plus, it’s
hang the rope up to air beyond the seal. fun to experiment.
6 Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes