Page 20 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes
P. 20

How Long Have You Got?                                                    At the End of Your Rope
             The length of rope you                                                    All rope ends can be
             will need varies greatly                                                  finished using a simple
             with the design you intend                                                knot, or wrapped with
             to tie, the diameter of                                                   cloth/electrical tape, or
             your rope, and the size of                                                sealed with latex “tool
             your model. As an       Electrical tape is a quick and easy way to keep the ends  dip,” or just left to fray
             example, a good rope    from fraying. Tightly wind the tape where you want the  into tassels. A popular
             corset of about seven   ends; then cut in the middle of the taped portion to  finishing is whipping—
             doubled winds around the  render two finished tips.                       especially for natural fiber
             torso requires about 40’                                                  ropes like hemp and jute.
             of  / 8” rope. To cover the                                               Whipping requires a
             same area with a finer,                                                   careful technique (easily
             more delicate rope ( / 16”)                                               found in books or online)
             requires about 100’ (not                                                  to wind thread around the
             recommended, unless you                                                   ends. The drawback of
             are patient enough to                                                     whipping or tool dip is
             repeatedly untangle it).                                                  that repeatedly pulling the
                                                                                       ends through knots can
             It’s useful to have a                                                     unravel the whipping or
             variety of lengths. Shorter                                               wear off the seal.
             lengths of 6’–10’ are   Synthetic rope like nylon can be sealed by melting with
             good for single-limb    a flame. (A chef’s torch works best.) First, lightly melt  The ends of nylon or other
             restraint. 30’–40’ is a  an area about an inch wide. Let it cool. Then cut it in  synthetic rope can be
             great standard for most  the middle with scissors.                        melted with a flame. For
             decorative, harness and                                                   melting, we recommend
             double-limb wrapping.                                                     pinching the hot ends down
             25’ sections are de                                                       so that the sharp, hard
             rigueur for Japanese-style                                                “mushroom scab” doesn’t
             bondage. Body harnesses                                                   scratch skin or fray the rope
             are rope hogs, so allow                                                   each time it’s pulled through
             50’–60’. Plan a little                                                    a knot. You can make such
             longer than you think you                                                 “bullet ends” more easily if
             will need. You can                                                        you first lightly melt a small
             always cut or braid the  After you’ve cut the pre-  For softer tips, you can  area across the spot you’re
             excess. You never curse  melted rope, heat the ends  trim the end a couple of  going to cut. Then melt the
             the two inches you have,  again and taper the tips to  inches away from the  cut ends and shape the hot
             only the two inches you  prevent them from snagging  melted section and fray  tips using thick gloves or
             don’t have!             your rope.               the end into a tassel.   other padding.

                                          Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes                              5
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