P. 1

                                                                   Plant Sanitation SOP SP1.0

                   Created By/date      BM   6/6/11
                   Date of last change:   1/16/18 MC   Supersedes   6/11/15 MC                                                  Page 1 of 4
                   Review/Approval Date:              Revision #


                   To keep all areas of the plant (internal and external) clean and prevent contamination.

                   PERSONS RESPONSIBLE:

                    Supervisors, Plant Employees and Truckers.


                   A.)    Employees are responsible for keeping their work area clean and tidy. Daily and
                          Monthly Housekeeping Schedule posted, will be initialed and dated by the
                          employee completing the task on Form UFC 055 and UFC056.

                   B.)    Return all tools and equipment to assigned storage location after use.

                   C.)    Report any spills or leaks to the Supervisor. Report and repair any leaks affecting
                          product storage immediately.

                   D.)    Main floor areas of the plant are to be swept at least once per shift or how ever
                          setup on the Daily Housekeeping Schedule. Dusty areas, such as hand add and
                          mixing hand dump station will require more frequent cleaning (at least every 8
                          hrs). All other areas of the plant will be swept as listed on the Daily and Monthly
                          Housekeeping Schedule (UFC 055 and UFC 056), or as designated by HACCP

                   E.)    All spills (including broken bags) should be cleaned up as soon as possible.
                          Unidentified material must be discarded into the garbage container.

                   F.)    Employees will clean all areas designated on the Daily and Monthly
                          Housekeeping Schedules (UFC 055 and UFC 056), which is posted in the office.

                   G.)    Main floor equipment will be brushed or swept off at least once per shift.
                          Conduits and walls will be brushed or swept each shift if a 1/8” of dust or more
                          has accumulated during the shift.
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