P. 3

                                                                   Plant Sanitation SOP SP1.0

                   Created By/date      BM   6/6/11
                   Date of last change:   1/16/18 MC   Supersedes   6/11/15 MC                                                  Page 3 of 4
                   Review/Approval Date:              Revision #

                   O.)     All pallets used for finished feed must be clean and free of any contamination.
                          Pallets of finished feed and ingredients are pulled away from the walls at least
                          once every six months to clean behind the pallets to prevent pest harborage. There
                          must be at a minimum 12 inches of space between walls and feed, ingredients, or
                          other products in storage areas. This is to allow for the Third Party Pest Control
                          Company access to traps. They only exception to this rule is in areas where space
                          does not allow for the 12 inch barrier

                   P.)    Snow must be removed immediately, with a shovel, from all receiving areas. Any
                          standing water after a heavy rainfall must also be removed from the receiving,
                          areas with a pump and/or squeegee. Clean up any spills and ensure that no wet
                          product has entered the receiving pit (any wet product must be thrown into the

                   Q.)    Follow the procedures in the Sequential Scheduling and Flushing SOPs in
                          addition to these procedures.


                   Sanitation procedures should be followed daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly as stated in
                   SOP’s and Housekeeping Schedules in all areas, when production scheduling allows.

                   CORRECTIVE ACTION:

                   Required corrective actions (such as bin leak) will be noted on the effected housekeeping
                   schedule or maintenance log & Supervisor will be advised of the problem.
                   If the designated employee is unable to perform the cleaning duty, the backup person
                   should complete the task at the soonest opportunity. The Supervisor will randomly
                   inspect designated areas in the mill throughout the week and delegate employees to clean
                   areas requiring extra attention.


                   Every week the Plant Manager will verify that the area housekeeping lists are completed.
                   A monthly housekeeping audit/inspection on Form UFC 017b will verify that sufficient
                   cleaning is being performed. The standard score for the plant is 90%. This SOP will be
                   reviewed  and  verified  yearly  by  the  trained  operators  and  the  HACCP  Coordinator.
                   Trained  employees  are  recorded  on  the  sign-off  sheet  located  in  front  of  this  manual.
                   Confirmation, that each employee assigned this SOP is following it correctly, shall be
                   done according to the training schedule in the PT manual.
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