Page 13 - Sorrow of the Earth: Buffalo Bill, Sitting Bull and the Tragedy of Show Business
P. 13

swindler of the worst kind. In those days, any nincompoop could found a city,

                 become  a  general,  a  businessman,  a  governor  or  President  of  the  United
                 States; and perhaps this is still the case. John Burke had sensed the coming of
                 the  vast  machinery  of  a  culture  of  spectacle,  and  was  now  press  officer  to
                 Buffalo  Bill—his  publicity  agent.  He  was  the  greatest  and  the  wackiest
                 publicity agent. Thanks to a perfect match between the man and his times, the
                 former journalist, broker and one-time leader of a troupe of acrobats became
                 the inventor of show business.
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