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P. 50
A Matter of Survival
Water quality relates to the chemical, biological and demographic and environmental changes. As mentioned above,
bacteriological characteristics of water that may be used and with the exception of the European region, transboundary
for different purposes: human consumption, irrigation, water systems mostly focus on water quantity and allocation
manufacturing, and mining to name just a few. Each potential rather than on joint quality management. Problems related to
use has different quality standards. Potable water, obviously, has water quality deterioration must not be underestimated even in
the highest standards in terms of lowly dissolved solids, absence the advanced systems of transboundary water cooperation.
of heavy metals, and adequate chemical and bacteriological
characteristics. Each use renders the water with less quality, A 2016 study undertaken by UNEP called “Transboundary River
which affects users downstream. Basins: Status and Trends” shows a disturbing growth in risks
to water quality in transboundary river basins in the next 15-30
Historically, watercourses have been and continue to be used years due to climate change, socio-economic development and
as a cheap and convenient conduit for wastewater disposal. population increase. The study was based on the combined
However, rapid industrialization, agriculture growth using projected impacts of five indicators: environmental water stress,
harmful chemicals, urbanization and other factors have created human water stress, nutrient pollution, exacerbating factors
a problem of widespread water pollution that needs to be to water-based political tensions, and changes in population
urgently addressed. According to some estimates, in developing density. Four hotspots were identified in this context: the Orange
countries, about 90 percent of the wastewater flows untreated and Limpopo basins in Southern Africa; several river basins in
into freshwater bodies. It is estimated that more than 80 percent Central Asia; the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna basin in South
of transboundary river basins have serious water quality issues, Asia; and the basins of the Jordan River, and the Euphrates and
both in developed and developing countries. Tigris in the Middle East.
Water quality problems are not the same in different parts of Most of these situations are characterized by the absence of
the world: nutrient pollution, mainly nitrogen and phosphorus, effective river basin arrangements among riparian countries,
is found in the global North while pathogen contamination, i.e. and efforts to develop such arrangements have so far not
bacteria and viruses, of water resources occur in the global succeeded. Nevertheless, we believe that basin agreements and
South and Russia. Nevertheless, all quality issues require more the necessary institutional arrangements are the way forward.
urgent attention at the global level. The obvious conclusion is the call to improved transboundary
water cooperation and joint action by riparian states to address
Although technical, legal and political advances to improve water water quality issues. Given the political sensitivities in the
quality have been made in many parts of the world, they remain hotspot regions, it is assumed that such cooperation and joint
highly fragmented and are different in each region and country. management would represent an important contribution to
Furthermore, these advances are simply not in keeping with regional stability and peace.