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Quantity and Quality: Strengthening of the Knowledge-Based and Data-Driven Decision Making and Cooperation for Security and Peace

                  Supporting Water Data Sharing for

                  Cooperation and Peace: The Case

                  Study on the Transboundary Basin of
                  the Chu-Talas Rivers (Kazakhstan/                                                         “UNECE helps Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan to cooperate on water

                  Kyrgyzstan)                                                                                 management”, 2011 UNECE/UN TV,

                  The regular exchange of data and information on water resources and their uses is
                  fundamental to establishing cooperation between riparian states. Since 2014, initially
                  through the Innovative Monitoring and Modelling (iMoMo) project and currently the
                  Water Accounting in Transboundary Chu-Talas River Basins project, the Swiss Agency
                  for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is supporting the daily sharing of hydrological
                  data between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in the Chu-Talas transboundary basin.

                  In 2015, the Transboundary Water Commission on the Chu-Talas Rivers between
                  Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan requested the publication of quarterly hydrological
                  bulletins and interactive online schemes. The International Office for Water (IOWater)
                  provided technical support and logistical assistance to collect the data and publish
                  the material. Under the supervision of the Commission, these quarterly bulletins are
                  now published regularly and the interactive schemes allow online consultation of the
                  data on river water flows and the levels of the main water intakes for irrigation. Data
                  is provided by national experts and five institutions from the two countries.

                  Source: Direction de la Coopération Internationale, International Office for Water (IOWater).

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