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Quantity and Quality: Strengthening of the Knowledge-Based and Data-Driven Decision Making and Cooperation for Security and Peace

           water cooperation, the needed financial frameworks, as well   The UN activities mentioned in the preceding paragraphs
           as for hydro-diplomacy. Additional international facilities are   represent a good basis for further work. Much needs to be done
           needed. Thus WMO established the Global Hydrometry Support   in the context of the implementation of SDGs and UN peace
           Facility (GHSF), designed specifically to build operational   building activities. The current work on indicators to measure
           systems and capacity in hydrometry and water monitoring,   progress in the implementation of the SDGs is promising and
           expand the base of hydrological data and exchange capabilities,   should help UN Member States to define their policy priorities
           and facilitate free and open data sharing. This will require the   and cooperation potential of water cooperation for the future.
           development and application of innovative monitoring and   The expected SDG indicators will also  provide an  opportunity
           database technologies, supporting regional and local projects   to  connect  the  technical  data  with  the  socio-political  ones
           aimed at building sustainable hydrometeorological networks   in a meaningful way, thus contributing to the incentives for
           and freely accessible data, and promoting the use of quality   intensified cooperation among states.
           management principles.
                                                              Standard Setting Related to Water Quality
           Current developments suggest an already high awareness of the
           importance of data and monitoring for future water cooperation   Data collection and analysis – still imperfect as it may be –
           and, indirectly for the  strengthening  of  international  stability   must be assessed against the background of the already agreed
           and peace. However, it has to be added that states need to use   international standards relating to water quality. At the regional
           and improve the existing data banks effectively and efficiently. At   level, the European Union has  developed  an effective  system
           present, the fragmented nature of data collection and publication   of standards. They include drinking water contaminant-level
           makes it difficult to find and combine the existing data  in a   standards (Directive 1998/83/EC) and the Water Framework
           manner that produces useful and comprehensive information.   Directive (Directive 2006/7/EC), which established environmental
           Many countries have well developed mechanisms to collect and   quality standards for 33 pollutants in surface, ground and coastal
           store data. These mechanisms have to be fully used in decision   water. Particular standards are also set for discharges of nitrogen
           making processes and strengthened as necessary. National and   and phosphorus from urban wastewater treatment plants into
           international activities have to go hand in hand. All these efforts   sensitive water bodies (Directive 1998/15/EC).
           have to be complemented by improvement in the internationally
           agreed standards related to water quality, as well as a greater   The EU directives are legally binding and verifiable. Their
           institutional coherence at the global level.       application in the region has had a beneficial effect on the
                                                              whole spectrum of water issues in European Union countries –
                                                              with the exception of the prevention and management of floods

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