Page 4 - The Chemistry of Cooking
P. 4

How does frying


                                 Deep Frying

                                                                                               Any food cooked in hot fat is fried. The method of
                                                                                               heat transference is the same whether there’s just a

                                                                                               little fat in the pan (sautéing), the fat comes partway

                                                                                               up the sides of the food (shallow-frying), or the fat

                                                                                               completely envelops the food (deep-frying). When
                                                                                               food is added to hot oil (usually 350°F to 375°F), its

                                                                                               surface dehydrates. Meanwhile, through a series of

                                                                                               Maillard reactions (named after the chemist Louis
                                                                                               Camille Maillard).
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