Page 6 - The Chemistry of Cooking
P. 6

The Process of Deep Frying

                    •   1. Initial heating. In the first stage,       2. Surface boiling. In this stage,       3. Decreasing heat                4. Bubble end point. This is the
                        the food is completely  submerged into        we see tiny exploding bubbles            transfer rate. As the crust       last stage of deep-frying, in which
                        the hot oil, until the surface of the         sizzling  at the surface of the food.    continues to dehydrate, it        very few bubbles appear on the
                        food reaches the boiling point of                                                      conducts less heat to the rest  surface of the fried food. At this
                        water. This stage lasts for about 10          Contrary to popular belief, this
                        seconds [1]. At this point, the heat          doesn’t mean that the oil is boiling.    of  the food, so the rate of      stage, water from inside the food is
                        from the oil is transferred to the food’s     Instead, the hot oil surrounding         heat transfer through             no longer evaporating, either
                        surface by diffusion and also                 the food causes water inside the         escaping steam to decreases       because all  the water from inside the
                        by convection – a process which moves                                                  (reduced bubbling) [1]. The       food is gone, or heat transfer from
                        heat due to the bulk circulation  of the      food to evaporate, so the little
                        oil’s currents from a warmer region to        bubbles surface as bursts of steam       remaining moisture inside of  the crust to the core has reduced to
                        the cooler region surrounding the             escaping to the food’s exterior          the food is slowly  heated to     the point where it becomes
                        food. While convection uniformly              (think jacuzzi steam jets). The          the boiling point of water,       improbable that the water will
                        heats the food’s surface, it doesn’t cook                                              which cooks the food inside       evaporate [1]. At this point, the fried
                        the center of the food. Rather, the           movement caused by the bubbling
                        food’s center is heated                       circulates  the currents of the          as if it were boiled,             product should to be removed from
                        through conduction, the process by            frying oil, which increases the rate     gelatinizing  the starch and      the oil, or else the oil will  begin to
                        which heat diffuses from the food’s hot       of heat transfer by “forced              denaturing the proteins in the  seep into the fried product and make
                        surface into its core through the                                                      food . Now, most of the           it soggy, since there are no more
                        physical contact of molecules  and            convection” and cooks the food
                        transfer of their thermal energy.             faster                                   moisture from the food is         water vapor bubbles to counteract
                                                                                                               lost.                             the diffusion of oil inwards.
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