Page 4 - Tomorrow’s Men Pack
P. 4
Artistic director Jeanefer Jean-Charles is a qualified
teacher and trained dancer and has a BA Hons Degree
in Performing Arts and a Post Graduate Certificate in
Education. She has over 25 years experience of
delivering her work both nationally and internationally.
Jeanefer leads the sessions, accompanied by one of
her male dance assistants. Her team of professional
male dance artists bring a range of dance disciplines
including street, contemporary, parkour and hip-hop and
are inspiring male role models for the young men.
Jeanefer and her team will: The project will require:
- Allocate time with the school in order to plan a - A large enclosed space to comfortably accommodate
schedule of work prior to workshop delivery the group and a space where participants will not be
- Do a short presentation to the school – perhaps disturbed by passers-by or other classrooms
an assembly if appropriate - A sound system loud enough for the space, with an
- Will conduct a professional, friendly, positive and iPod connection
supportive approach at all times - Participants should wear clothing that is comfortable
- Will consider the school ethos and curriculum, to move in. Footwear should be trainers
when planning sessions, to create appropriate - Water should be made available for all participants
- Will observe pupils learning and provide an
interim and final evaluation of the project
- Will have a copy of DBS certificates for all artists