Page 11 - September 2022 Issue.indd
P. 11

rate of return, in this case 7% and divide
            that into the number 72 and the result
            is how many years it will take for your
            investment to double. In this case seven
            divided into 72 is 10.3 years, or a little
            less than twice as long as it took to get   Because you deserve qqualified, llocal representation
            your point money back.
                                                         when managing life’s important issues.
            With this being said you could safely
            say that in the time it took to break
            even on the repayment of the point   ?   ESTATE PLANNING                          300 Market Street
            your investment would increase about   ?  RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL                   Suite 104
            50% to $3,750. If you multiply this 7%   REAL ESTATE AND SETTLEMENTS              Denton, Maryland
            investment over the full 30 year term   ?  LLC FORMATION & BUSINESS LAW               21629
            of the loan a $2,500 investment would   ?  MUNICIPAL & ENVIRONMENTAL LAW
            double in 10 years to $5,000 that would   ?  GENERAL LEGAL COUNSEL                410.310.1774
            double in 20 years to $10,000 which
            would double again to $20,000 in 30    Our attorney, Patrick Thomas, and our Settlement
            years. Because of the previous reasons   Agent, Sandy Hayman, are available to travel to your
            I do not believe it makes sense to pay            preferred location.
            points to lower your interest rate.
            limited to only a fixed rate mortgage  Dave’s                                 David Grinavic,
            First time buyers are in many cases
            option since most government insured   Riverside                              ASE Master Technician
            loans are all fixed. Adjustable-rate                                          32600 Main St.
                                                                                          Queen Anne, MD 21657
            mortgages are an option for lower rates   Garage, Inc.
            for conventional loans.                                                       410-364-9336
            Adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) rates      COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR & MAINTENANCE
            are fixed for a period of time at the end

                                                • Computerized Engine Diagnostics  Oil & Filter Change
            of which the rate adjusts based on an   • Performance Tune-Ups     up to 5 quarts of oil (most cars)
            index, such as the one-year treasury   • Front End Alignments
            index plus a predetermined margin.   • Brakes • Shocks • Electrical Repairs  $ 25 95
            Usually, the shorter the initial period the   • Battery Replacements • Mufflers      + tax

            rate is fixed the lower the interest rate   • Tires (Rotate and Balance)
                                                • A/C Service • Exhaust Systems
            will be. Many people are reluctant to use                             MD State      $
                                                • Lock-Out & Jump-Start Service  Inspections 70
            ARM products today mainly because the
                                                • And more!!!
            rate is not very much lower than a fi xed
            rate with zero points.
                                               Officers who have been able to make a   Find a local realtor whom you are

            An ARM works well if you know you will
                                               good living in the business are seeking   comfortable with and will be there when
            be selling the home prior to or soon aft er
                                               other careers. Business has declined to   you need them. Let them know that you
            the initial rate adjustment, but only if the
                                               an extent that I have not seen in my 37   will work with them exclusively so they
            interest rate on the ARM is signifi cantly

                                               years in the business. This slowdown is   know their efforts will be rewarded if

            lower to offset the adjustment risk.

                                               different than any I have experienced in   and when you find a home. Nothing is

            I have said this before and I will say it   that inventory is still low and prices are   more frustrating for a realtor than to

            again. When considering the biggest   leveling off. In the past two months the   spend time showing property only to

            investment you will ever make, work   number of homes selling below list price   find out you purchased a home using
            with someone you know, or someone   is increasing in relation to those selling   someone else.
            who is known by someone you know,   over list price. Proof that the prices are   Mr. Rowe is Vice President/Lending for
            especially if you are a fi rst-time buyer.   peaking.                Bay Capital Mortgage Corp. with offi  ces
            The internet is a wonderful place to get   If you are serious about buying a home,   in Easton and Annapolis. He has lived in

            information but can be a terrible place   get preapproved by someone you know   Caroline for his entire life and supports
            to commit a stressful process like getting   or is recommended to you and is easily   the county by volunteering in a variety of
            a loan to.
                                               accessible and knowledgeable of the   ways. He currently lives near Greensboro

            The numbers of people working in the   market and various loan programs.  with his wife Jeanne and daughter Kelsey.
            mortgage industry is dropping. Loan
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