Page 7 - September 2022 Issue.indd
P. 7

Caroline County
                 Farm Bureau                     %RRN 6LJQLQJ

                   Recipients                        Darrin Nichols

            On August 11, 2022, the Caroline            author of
            County Farm Bureau presented four        The Master’s Pen
            $1,000 scholarships to Camryn Dennis,
            Sydney Hudson, Caroline Saathoff  and
            Jillian Stutzman at the 4H park.     September 10  •  10-2
            Camryn is the daughter of Alexa Jester                             What’s New Shop
            and Aaron Dennis of Preston and will be   Bibles  •  Music
            attending Salisbury University. Sydney                                Your Local Christian
            is the daughter of Mark and Jennifer   DVD’s   •  Books
            Hudson of Ridgely and will be attending    Jewelry                    Book & Gift Store
            Chesapeake College. Caroline is the
            daughter of Danny and Beverly Saathoff    G reeting Cards              224 Market St., Denton
            of Denton and will be attending NC   Wall Art  •  T-Shirts                 410-479-0006
            State University. Jillian is the daughter
            of Jason and Miranda Stutzman of
            Greensboro and will be attending                    We have great gifts!
            Delaware Technical and Community
                                                              For your convenience we offer Bill Pay,
            Also, CCFB awarded the first Harry
            F. Moreland III Memorial Scholarship             Notary Service, and Copy and Fax services
            to Caroline Saathoff . Th is scholarship
            is $500 and is awarded to a student
            studying in an agricultural related
            degree program. The scholarship was
            presented by Elaine Moreland, wife of
            Harry, who was a longtime, dedicated
            farm bureau member and served many
            years on both the county and state farm
            bureau beards.

            Caroline Saathoff (right) was

            awarded the first Harry F Moreland   Winners of $1,000 Caroline County Farm Bureau Scholarships, left to right,

            III Memorial Scholarship by his wife   Sydney Hudson, Caroline Saathoff, Camryn Dennis, and Jillian Stutzman.
            Elaine Moreland (left ).
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