Page 10 - June 2022 Issue.indd
P. 10

DOLLARS AND SENSE                                           by Tolbert Rowe

                                2022 Is An Incredibly Challenging Year

                     ortgage rates at highest level   up further. Conspiracy theorists are   putting everything you have on a single
                     since 2009. Stock Market   convinced that higher fuel prices are the   hand of blackjack, staying with two face

                     fl uctuations finding a new   result of radical Progressives pushing   cards for 20 and watching the dealer
            mlow every week. Inflation         more hybrid and electric vehicles. I   must take a hit with 16 and they draw a
            running at levels not seen in decades.   am not sure how that plays out with oil   5 for 21. You just cannot win for losing.
            Many economists predicting infl ation   companies raking in record profi ts and
            above 5% for the rest of this year and   a shortage of components for batteries    Maybe you should do nothing, keep
            into early 2023. Russian President   and computer chips limiting production   what you have and not pay any attention
            Vladimir Putin justifying the Russian   of anything involved in ground   to what your 401k is doing. Aft er all,
            invasion on Ukraine as necessary to rid   transportation. If only the answer was   you haven’t lost anything until you take

            that country of Nazis who, according to   that simple.               your money off the table or out of your
            him, have been infecting that country                                investment account.
            since the end of World War II.  Ironic   Remember all the pull and tug and   Oh, and not to mention it is a local
            that a country so infected with neo-  political angst we went through in   and state election year. Dare I say how
            Nazis could be lead  by a democratically   Maryland several years ago when the   unique it is to have all but one of our
            elected Jewish President Volodymyr   minimum wage was increased to $15   elections for local offices decided in the

            Zelensky. Putin hasn’t explained that   per hour? Many businesses screamed   Republican Primary.  It was not that
            dynamic!                           that it would put them out of business
                                               or at the very least they would have to   many years ago when Charles Moore,
            China in total and complete Covid   cut the number of employees. Now they   Register of Wills, was the only local

            shutdown due to a small amount of   cannot find enough employees at $17   elected Republican offi  cial in Caroline
            Covid cases showing up and China has   per hour to take your order, pour your   County and Democrats outnumbered

            zero tolerance policy. So, the Chinese   coffee, help you find merchandise, clean   Republicans by a ratio of 4 to 1.

            economy goes into hibernation      your floors, wash your windows, take   And as if we need to pick another scab

            until the nation is rid of the scourge   out your trash, or make your sandwich.   and create upheaval in our country,
            of Coronavirus. In the meantime,   Over 11 million jobs are still unfi lled in
                                                                                 we have a President who either is not
            businesses around the world are idled   the United States.
                                                                                 aware that we have a problem with
            because necessary components or parts                                immigration at our southern border

            that are manufactured in China are   The stock market is giving everyone gas   or does not feel that it is a serious
            nowhere to be found making supply   pains and for some people a severe case   enough problem to warrant any kind
            chain delays even worse.           of gastrointestinal discomfort. Trying
                                               to figure out what is the right thing to   of attention. By the time you read this

            Gasoline and diesel fuel prices have   do with your 401k, if you have one, is   I expect the immigration problem
            soared to their highest levels ever   tantamount to going to Harrington and   will explode if Title 42 sunsets and
            and they are poised to continue to go                                is not immediately replaced with
                                                                                 comprehensive immigration reform,
                                                                                 which in no way is going to happen.
              “Your Mortgage Consultant Since 1985”
                                                                                 2022 is an incredibly challenging and
             Purchase or Refinance                                               peculiar year, and it is not even half
                                                                                 over. So much is happening in so many
                                                                                 diff erent areas Americans are at a loss
                                                                                 to know how to react. If it were not for
                                                                                 the two political parties in this country
                                                                                 and their talking head minions telling
             115 E Dover St. Ste 3 - Easton, MD                                  us how to react to all the stimuli fl ying
                                                                                 around, many people wouldn’t really
                    C. Tolbert Rowe,
           NMLS         Vice President/Lending  care.
                                                                                 What is real to everyone is higher prices
               410-819-3005  /  cell 410-310-3520                                for everything and the most “in your
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