Page 14 - June 2022 Issue.indd
P. 14

Healthy Farms are

                          SUCCESSFUL FARMS                                     “Farms are the backbone of our

                                                                               community, but our farmers
                                                                               are not always getting the
               A 2020 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report published          support they need,”
               by the Centers for Disease Control identified:
               •  Suicide rates significantly higher in the agriculture industry
                 than the general population.
               •  Opioid use has had an out-sized impact on rural,  farming
                                                                                  Mid Shore Behavioral
               •  74% of farmers and farm workers have been directly impacted      Health has resources to
                 by opioid use, either by a family member or someone in their       support farmers’ and
                 network who has struggled with opioids, or by taking or
                 becoming addicted to opioids themselves.                         farm workers’ mental
                                                                                  health and wellbeing.
                                     Investing in farm workers’ wellbeing
                                     is an important part of running a
                                     successful ag operation.
                                                                                    28578 Mary’s Court, Suite 1
                                                                                        Easton, MD 21601

                          KEEP                                      Farmer


                                                                    Business Owner

                  WILBUR                                            Leader


               Caroline County Commissioner

                                 Wilbur Levengood Jr. for Caroline County   –   Sherry L. Levengood, Treasurer

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