Page 12 - Top 10 Optimistic Data Center Solution Providers 2020
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COVER STORY                                                      ”
                                                                          Commitment to

                                                                      innovation and high

                                                                  standards of excellence

                                               Sumit Mukhija          in infrastructure and
                                                                   service are reflected in

                                                                the accreditation we gain

                                                                 and the awards we strive

                                                                  to win across the globe.
                                                                Led by an experienced team, STTelemedia
                                                                Global Data Centres brings together
                                                                colocation facilities built to most stringent
                                                                industry standards, together with scalable
                                                                end-to-end data centre solutions,
                                                                connectivity, support services, and cloud
                                                                infrastructure solutions. Expanding our
                                                                global platform and providing data centre
                                                                solutions with flexible commercial terms
                                                                are our strategic priority, in enabling our
                                                                customers a greater access worldwide and
                                                                ease of deployment.

                                                                Data Centre Industry – Growth & Trends
            T Telemedia Global Data Centres is one of
         Sthe fastest-growing data centre providers             Industry Overview:
         globally, headquartered in Singapore. The
         company has grown rapidly organically                  Today, India is rapidly moving towards
         and through investments in market-leading              digitization. This in-turn has supported the
         businesses such as GDS and VIRTUS Data                 financial and digital inclusion for 1.3 billion
         Centres, with over 90 data centres across              Indians. The move towards a digitally
         key business markets including Singapore,              connected India is leading towards massive
         China, India, Thailand and the United                  growth in data generation, storage,
         Kingdom.                                               management and consumption, and in
                                                                the way data needs to be disseminated to
         STTelemedia Global Data Centres, together              users universally through public and private
         with the group of companies, has a global              clouds.  Cloud computing is the most
         strength matched by our local expertise –              disruptive force in the digital age, impacting
         teams on the ground who know their home                IT strategy and expenditure, and adopting a
         markets best and ensuring that every one               cloud-first strategy which has now become
         of your data centres is developed and                  necessary in businesses.
         operated consistently according to our
         strictest global standards by our Technology           Growth:
         and Centre of Operational Excellence                   The digital revolution in India is real,
         teams, no matter where it is located.                  disruptive and well-embraced by consumers

                                                                and enterprises. It is also aggressively
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