Page 14 - Top 10 Optimistic Data Center Solution Providers 2020
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                                                                                  STTelemedia Global
                                                                                  Data Centres India has a
                                                                                  definitive and well-defined
                                                                                  expansion plan to address
                                                                                  their customers’ current
                                                                                  and future demands while
                                                                                  maintaining a leadership
                                                                                  position in the industry.
                                                                                  STTelemedia Global Data
                                                                                  Centres India is well on track
                                                                                  to more than double its
                                                                                  design capacity by March
                                                                                  2020 itself and further take
                                                                                  this to more than 200 MW
                                                                                  of critical IT load and over
        • With IT being transformed by cloud, the lowering of costs               4 million sq. ft. of Gross floor
        has empowered businesses by scale and flexibility. Now                    area over the next 2-3 years.
        artificial intelligence (AI) and internet of things (IoT) will            The recently launch, 15th
        need to process enterprise data away from a centralised                   data centre is adding 18
        data centre or cloud. Gartner believes, this figure of edge               MW of critical IT load to the
        computing within data centre will rise to 50% in 2020 from                existing capacity.
        the current amount of 10%.
                                                                                  At the same time,
        • The hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI) which helps IT                 STTelemedia Global Data
        teams to manage data centres easily by combining server,                  Centres India will continue
        storage and networking components is growing. According                   to invest in human resource
        to International Data Corporation (IDC), the market of HCI                productivity aptly backed by
        shows a revenue growth rate of 36.2% currently.                           new means like Automation
                                                                                  and Artificial intelligence
        • IT industries are now increasingly making networks smarter              to support their growth
        by Intent Based Networking (IBN), which is a management                   plans as well as day-to-day
        software that turns a business goal into network                          operations.
        configuration, through adjustments and optimization of
        network settings. This has enabled the administrators to get              Sustainability
        automated tasks based on only their commands.
                                                                                  As the market leader and a
        • European Union’s general data protection regulation has                 technology driven company,
        encouraged major cloud providers to allow organisations                   management and effective
        to choose where their workload and data is stored. Thus,                  utilization of key resources
        it has been easier for them to follow local regulations and               like people, skillsets and most
        enhance performance level.                                                importantly scarce resources
                                                                                  like water and power, is a
        Future Plans
                                                                                  key priority for STTelemedia
        STTelemedia Global Data Centres India’s current portfolio                 Global Data Centres India.
        includes more than 90 MW of critical IT load spread across                With plans to offer more
        15 carrier-neutral facilities in eight key cities in India. Spread        than 200 MW of critical IT
        over 1.8 million sq. ft., these include Delhi-NCR, Mumbai,                load in the next 2-3 years,
        Kolkata, Pune, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and                          for STTelemedia Global Data
        Bengaluru.                                                                CentresIndia, green is not just
                                                                                  a buzz-word, it is an inherent
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