Page 18 - Top 10 Optimistic Data Center Solution Providers 2020
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        Achieve “High Point of Recall” to become a
        trusted IT Partner

                                                                              Vipul Datta
        Customer oriented focus and consistent approach in
        building success stories with our customers, has taken us
        to higher epitome. We continue to do so, by building great
        repeat use cases in Digitization, Managed Services and
        other IT Solutions.

            utureSoft Solutions Pvt. Ltd.    FSPL outperforms the competition     Mission:
        FITIL compliant organization         with strong determination,
        with powerful presence as a          unlearning and applying new           To be recognized as the
        leading consulting, technology and   thinking and leadership; further     benchmark for providing solutions
        next-generation systems integration  supported by investments made in     and services in the field of
        company.                             the areas of Quality, Automation     Managed Services & System
                                             and setting up a Remote              Integration.
        We have achieved a significant       Infrastructure Management team to
        benchmark in IT services             support our global aspirations.      A good team is magical:
        and system integration. As                                                Directors of Futuresoft (India)
        we successfully complete 2           Vision:                              Private Limited are Sunil Gujral,
        decades, Futuresoft has delivered                                         Narinder Kaur Mohan and
        exceptional value to clients in over   Succeed with Customer’s Success.   Mandeep Singh Puri. Our leaders
        450+ locations across India by
        offering innovative, cost-effective,
        end-to-end business solutions and
        services that are customizable,
        dynamic and extensible.

        With focus on five business
        areas, Digitization, Managed
        Services, Resource Augmentation,
        Consulting and Business Solution,
        Application Development and
        Support, we help enterprises to
        reinvent themselves and create
        new avenues to generate value and
        revenue. We provide enterprises
        with strategic insights on what lies
        ahead. Enterprises can transform,
        and thrive in a changing world
        through strategic consulting,
        operational leadership and co-
        creation of breakthrough solutions.

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