Page 21 - Top 10 Optimistic Data Center Solution Providers 2020
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over with just a few clicks. procurement solutions sought
the expertise of Locuz. As part
Conquo; Locuz’s one click DR of an effort towards continuous
managed service offering powered innovation and to build greater
by Actifio. It provides enterprise- agility and superior compliance in
data-as-as-service to customers and the business, the company wanted
can launch multiple services like to revamp the existing Dev & Test
Data Protection, Data Recovery, IT Infrastructure. Their preferred
Data Insight, Data Virtualization, approach was by evaluating multi-
& Data Governance, priced in a cloud platforms and deploying
pay-as-you go model. secure means for developers
Ganana; A HPC Cluster Manager and users to access the Test &
Dev Infra. Locuz carried out a
& App Scheduler Portal that
makes it easier for users to build comprehensive IT Infra & Cloud
large and complex clusters & run Readiness Assessment for the client
applications without programming and provided a plan and design
&/or administrators. (with validated test cases) that can
serve as a blue print for them to
“We started in 2000, with a belief execute further; both on the Cloud
that the world of Technology as well as on the Compliance
Infrastructure will converge side. The blue print also included
in the near future, & now, we comprehensive migration plan of
see convergence happening all Dev & Test servers from On
inside the datacentre of every Prem to Cloud, ensuring that the
enterprise. We take pride in being network is optimized for superior
the trusted IT partner to many user experience and security (like
businesses who are at the brink DLP) solutions are deployed to
of IT Transformation. We have protect. Locuz was also a part of
a strong team of specialists, who the ‘Chandryaan’ project, wherein
help address the challenge of the company facilitated complex
deploying & managing complex IT High Performance StorageCluster
Infrastructure in the face of rapid for data capture, processing and
networking with worldwide space
technological change. The greatest labs.
of these changes is the Cloud; and
as an organization we are uniquely
positioned to help enterprises
leverage the power of cloud Currently, a 180Cr. Company &
technologies while avoiding the growing YOY at about 30 percent,
Locuz aims to be Technology
pitfalls of security, identity and
service management. Convergence Lifecycle partner of choice for
is not just in our logo, Convergence Hybrid IT Services, offering
is our Credo”, says Uttam customers dynamic, flexible
Majumdar, Founder & President at and agile platforms as business
Locuz Enterprise Solutions Ltd.
Remarkable Encounters with PREVIOUS
In a recent venture, a leading
Service provider of contingent
workforce management and service
January 2020 19