Page 19 - Top 10 Optimistic Data Center Solution Providers 2020
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Green initiatives:
Futuresoft is making strides to
conserve energy and better our
environment. By using computer
technology and resources
wisely, Futuresoft is becoming
more energy efficient while
using renewable resources in a
sustainable manner.
Social responsibility:
Being a corporate citizen,
Futuresoft India Pvt. Ltd
understands its social responsibility
towards the community and
considers the interest and welfare
of society. We endeavor to make
a positive contribution to the
physically challenged community
by providing a platform to get
equal employment opportunities
and bringing them upfront in the
corporate world wherein disability
have a vision to make a difference Winning the clients: is not a barrier.
by linking right people at right
time in most engaging way, with We aim to deliver error free
the belief, that with this approach; services, products and aspire to
a lot can be accomplished and stay a step ahead of our customer’s “In the fast changing
established for all contributors in requirements for cost effective & IT world, we strive
various aspects. innovative solutions, complying
with applicable regulatory & to be a technology
We bring various employee centric statutory requirements. expert obsessed with
programs with the conviction
that if we truly care about our We accept full responsibility overcoming business
employee force, same is reflected to achieve our quality goals by challenges through
back to company in a positive way of continual improvement
way, resulting to self-happiness in process, people & teamwork. impeccable use of ICT
of the employees and higher Every employee has right to and to bring our clients
revenue stake for the company. raise questions if quality is being
Motivated employees have a higher compromised at any level. closer to turning their
probability of making significant Everyone shares equal ambitious ideas into
contributions to the organization. responsibility for eliminating errors
It may result in new business and doing the job right, the first achievements.”
coming to the organization or time.
even new ideas and strategies to
build great repeat business cases. Quality is not just another goal; it
Employees are valuable assets of is the only strategy & fuel to our
our organization and the key to our future growth.
January 2020 17