Page 20 - Top 10 Optimistic Data Center Solution Providers 2020
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                                                  LOCUZ                                      Promising


                                                      Uttam Majumdar               Enabling Data
                                                      -Founder & President
                                                                                   Centres Realize

                                                                                   The Power Of

                                                                                   Converging To

                                                                                   the Cloud

        Convergence - harmonizing            transformation is a technology
        computational infrastructures to     trend that businesses will sooner
        integrate Cloud, HPC and Big Data  or later adapt to, Locuz apart from
        - isn’t a new trend in technology.   providing a wide array of advisory,
        Sadly, not every datacentre          implementation & managed IT
        technology practitioner in the       services, built innovative platforms
        market today has the ingenuity       in Hybrid Cloud Orchestration,       that define every datacenter
        and know how to deploy the same.     Data Protection and Data             transformation. The bedrock for
        Headquartered in Hyderabad,          Virtualization, High Performance     engineering these offerings has
        Locuz Enterprise Solutions with      Computing, Software Asset            been to accelerate their customers
        years of expertise on the domain     Analytics & Microsoft Process        in their transformation journey and
        not only understands convergence     automation. These products have      be true technology partners to them
        of Cloud, Big Data and HPC but       been successfully deployed in        in the truest sense.
        also has many deployments to their  leading enterprises and Datacentres
        merit for some of the big brands in   in India and have helped customers   “Locuz Enterprise Solutions
        the industry across verticals. Due   realize greater RoI from their IT    with years of expertise on the
        to this expertise and understanding   Infrastructure assets and derive    domain not only understands
        Locuz has swiftly become the GO      cloud like capabilities inside their   convergence of Cloud, Big
        TO team for businesses planning      datacenter.                          Data and HPC but also has
        to get started on their digital
        transformation journey. Locuz has    Any technology vigilante will        many deployments to their
        become the obvious choice for        know that datacenter technologies    merit for some of the big
        customers as it instills high trust   and innovations are morphing at     brands in the industry across
        and confidence as a technology       a lightning speed today. Staying     verticals”
        partners due to their domain         at the vantage point Locuz
        expertise and their customized       has invested heavily in Cloud        Innovations @ Locuz Labs!
        solutions approach; keeping the      Engineering and has rolled out
        customer requirement at the center.  offerings that deliver great value   ClouTor; A modern way to
                                             to their customers. ClouTor and      manage, optimize, economize work
        Knowing that Digital                 Conquo are two flagship offerings    loads on-premise and on AWS, all

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