Page 15 - Top 10 Optimistic Data Center Solution Providers 2020
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responsibility and a corporate direction for eco-operation of UPS, enhanced chiller
them. Their green strategy is comprehensive operation, installing LED lighting fixtures in all
and covers saving water, improving overall their data centres and offices leads to better
operating efficiencies including PUE and energy efficiency and a significant reduction
tapping into green and sustainable power in their carbon footprint
sources. Almost 35% of all the power comes
from solar or wind energy making them the • India is a water stressed nation. However,
largest operator in the country. while India suffers from water scarcity in
most parts of the year, there is excess water
Highlights of sustainability practices @STT during monsoon. STTelemedia Global Data
GDC India Centres India has implemented rainwater
harvesting in many of their facilities to save
• In India, generally an enterprise enters into this excess water, rather than letting it run
long term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) off. Further, by treating and re-using blow
for 10-25 years of duration with Renewable down water from chillers, they save over
Energy (RE) Project Developers for sourcing 336 Kilo Litres of water annually. They have
of Renewable Energy STTelemedia Global also done pilot projects by using hybrid
Data Centres were one of the first data cooling technologies as well as peripheral
centre operators in the country who have techniques like adiabatic cooling to reduce
started procuring RE thru long term Open water consumed by chiller plants
Access route, and year on year have rapidly
increased their green power portfolio • The company is in the process of
deploying a new “air to water” generation
• In addition to this, STTelemedia Global Data plant that produces up to 1000 litres of water
Centres is also procuring power from Solar per day from moisture in the air on a beta
Plants implemented by Project Developers basis. These are on-going efforts expected
on site (both rooftop & land mounted) in to save even higher amount of water
some of their large campuses, offering clean
& reliable power without any surges, sags or • Green and sustainability is a corporate
grid interference direction for STTelemedia Global Data
Centres India. Even for their internal
• During FY 18-19, STTelemedia Global Data meetings and communications needs, they
Centresreduced its carbon footprint by encourage the use of video conferencing
1,05,000 tonnes through its green and clean and telepresence, and avoid air travel as
energy practices and met 32% of its power much as possible, thereby reducing their
requirement from RE sources. STTelemedia carbon footprint. By increasing efficiency
Global Data Centres is the first data centre and driving the adoption of renewables,
operator in the country to undertake the STTelemedia Global Data Centres India
large-scale deployment of Li-Ion batteries believes they are making a huge difference
for UPS System in one of its operating data and demonstrating how green business is
centres. Li-Ion batteries can pack more good business
energy into a smaller space, thus saves
footprint. It lasts significantly longer life, so
it does not need to be replaced as often.
And, most can tolerate higher operating
temperatures while also requiring slightly less
• Via their well-designed airflow
management systems (cold and hot aisle
system), they have minimized hot and
cold air mixing leading to lesser energy
consumption. Standardized processes like