Page 24 - Top 10 Optimistic Data Center Solution Providers 2020
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etDataVault is a global brand of next generation
NCloud and SOC Services that are aimed at
helping Small and Large Enterprises make their IT Pradyumn Jain
Capex-free, productive and revenue generating. Our -Chairman
innovative service offerings allow you to participate
in the Cloud revolution by eliminating complexity, Today’s industry scenario:
maximizing control, and reducing costs. The Company
has a diversified business model with revenue Due to modern multi-tier services, data centers have
coming from SOC services, Collocation Services, not only been forced to grow in size but also in
Infrastructure as a Services (IaaS), Dedicated Servers, capability, placing pressure on modern data center
Backup as a Service, DR as a Service, Content managers to maintain seamless operations. In addition,
Delivery Network (CDN), Digital Media and End-to- enterprises expect a lot from their IT leaders, such as
end OTT solutions for content publishers and Media optimal data center utilization, SLA maintenance, and
Companies and a clutch of Managed Services (OS,DB, successful end user experiences. The requirements
Security, Network) vary from customer to customer. Therefore, it is in
the service provider’s best interest to take a close look
Modern Security Systems including video into the business that needs the data center solution
surveillance, biometric access control, motion and and then suggest what fits right with the customers’
entry detection cameras with alarms are installed business strategy and requirements. Although to a fair
throughout the premise to control access to the NDV extent, the present day data center solution providers
Cloud Infrastructure. adopt these strategies; interoperability, service quality,
security and privacy are still few of the crucial
More so, to address the aforementioned loopholes parameters that are unaddressed.
in data center solutions, NDV has now introduced
India to a first of its kind, AI and ML enabled SOC Testimonial to their Expertise
as a service platform AiCyber Watch that caters to
the needs of BFSIs, NBFCs, Depositories, SMBs Owned by NGBPS Limited, NDV is a subsidiary that
and large enterprises a like. Engineered on Big proudly sets a firm market foothold with collective
Data Architecture, AiCyber Watch automates real- 200 man-years of industry rich experience. Leveraging
time threat detection and remediation on a single this experience, NDV has designed the NDV Cloud
platform combining out-of- the box capabilities for Services/IaaS offering to overcome cyber threats.
asset discovery, vulnerability assessment, intrusion An industry veteran, Pradyumn Jain as its Chairman,
detection, behavioral monitoring, SIEM, and log heads NDV. Under his capable guidance, NDV has
management. seen great heights of success. After having gathered
22 January 2020